Taxation and Finance
Advocating against the implementation of a new tax on Canadian public companies and the use of share buybacks
Policies or Program
Climate, Natural Resources
Bill C-30, formerly known as Canada's Clean Air Act, promote regulatory framework for air emissions: the attributes of an on-exchange trading mechanism and the conditions inherent to its success with a view to optimizing the achievement of reduction targets for industrial greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Taxation and Finance
Bill C-59 sunstainabilty disclosure and taxonomy.
Policies or Program, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Regulation
Taxation and Finance
Discussions and updates of, including support for, international expansion of capital market activities.
Policies or Program
Taxation and Finance
Discuss sustainability disclosure in the Canadian Business Corporations act and taxonomy of Bill C-59
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Policies or Program, Regulation
Taxation and Finance
Encourage a bond allocation incentive program and participation of Bank of Canada in the futures market
Policies or Program
Taxation and Finance
Encourage greater transparency in the over-the-counter markets and discussed policies on the national regulator for securities
Policies or Program
Taxation and Finance
Foster innovation, including improving the Research and Development Tax Credit program
Policies or Program
Taxation and Finance
Participation in the Bank of Canada's Large Value Transfer System program
Policies or Program