Policy or Program
2006 Cdn Market Access Priorities (CIMAP): US WHTI passport reqmt impact
Access to Information
Policy or Program
Advocating for the introduction of a Canadian content policy for government investments in public infrastructure modeled after similar policies in other countries
Legislative Proposal
Amendments to the Access to Information Act
Legislative Proposal
Amendments to the Copyright Act & Criminal Code
Legislative Proposal
Amendments to the Customs Act
Legislative Proposal
Amendments to the Federal Income Tax Act
Legislative Proposal
Amendments to the Privacy Act
Bill or Resolution
B-C43, An Act to amend the Customs Act
Bill or Resolution
Bill C-11, An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act and the Railway Safety Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
Bill or Resolution
Bill C-2, An Act providing for conflict of interest rules, restrictions on election financing and measures respecting administrative transparency, oversight and accountability (Federal Accountability Act)
Bill or Resolution
Bill C-288, An Act to ensure Canada meets its global climate change obligations under the Kyoto Protocol
Bill or Resolution
Bill C-3, An Act respecting international bridges and tunnels and making a consequential amendment to another Act
Bill or Resolution
Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Energy Efficiency Act and the Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act (Canada's Clean Air Act).
Canada Border Services Agency Regulations - Customs Reporting and Security Compliance Regulations including PIP, ACI and CSA and the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
Legislative Proposal
Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Canadian export reporting regulations
Policy or Program
Categorization of domestic substances list
Policy or Program
Cda's Int'l Policy Stmt
Policy or Program
Policy or Program
Cdn Border Services Agency: Border Mgmt
Legislative Proposal
Clean Air Act
Legislative Proposal
Competition Policy
Legislative Proposal
Developmentof a National Logistics Strategy
Policy or Program
DFAIT Cda-Korea free trade, Emerging Markets Strategy, Cda-China & Cda -India Foreign Investment Protection Agrmts, Cda-Japan Jt. Study, Cda-EU Trade & Investment Enhancement Agrmt;
Policy or Program
Doha Devlpt Agda before WTO
Policy or Program
EC- Environmental Performance Agrmts
Policy or Program
EDC Environmental Policy & ERD
Environmental Emergency Regulatory changes
Export Development Canada financing rules & regulations
Policy or Program
Fed/Prov Coord.of air issues
Policy or Program
Fed.-Private Sector Working Group on Pandemic Preparedness
Policy or Program
Fed'l taxation/tax reform (e.g. extend tax loss carry-back provisions from 3 to 7 years; introduce an Employer's Training Tax Credit creditable against EI premiums; provide two-year depreciation for investments in manufacturing & processing equipment for a period of at least five years; provide a tax refund for companies in a financial loss position; provide loan guarantees based on refundable tax losses)
Legislative Proposal
Federal Budget
Legislative Proposal
Finance/CBSA - Legislaton to address influx of imports from China
Finance - NAFTA Rules of Origin and MFN Tariff Harmonization
Policy or Program
Govt of Cda's Chemicals Mgmt Plan
Policy or Program
Greenhouse Gas Reporting
Policy or Program
Health Canada's Food and Consumer Product Safety Plan
Policy or Program
HRSD comprehensive literacy & essential skills strategy devlpt
Policy or Program
IC -Manufacturing 20/20
Legislative Proposal
Implementation of Industry Committee's Recommendations on manufacturing competitiveness
Policy or Program
Implementation of new Canada Border Services Agency programs or review of existing programs including: AMPS review, implementation of eManifest, core services review, CBSA vision for 2017 and Partners in Protection
Legislative Proposal
Implementaton of recommendations made by the Industry and Public Safety Committees on counterfeiting and piracy
Imposition of License Requirements for Exports and Re-exports of Missile Technology Controlled Items Destined to Canada
Policy or Program
Improving Canada's trade remedy process
Policy or Program
Improving the Foreign Workers Program for manufacturers
Policy or Program
Improving the SR&Ed tax credit system to make the credits refundable and reduce administrative burden
Policy or Program
Policy or Program
ITCan's Global Commerce Strategy
Legislative Proposal
Legislation to effectively enforce IP rights at the border & amendments to the Customs Tariff
Legislative Proposal
Legislative review of Export Development Canada Act
Legislative Proposal
National Pollutant Release Inventory
New Substances Notification Regulations
Legislative Proposal
Notice of Intent to Develop and Implement Regulations and Other Measures to Reduce Air Emissions
Policy or Program
PCO & Min. of Public Security: Nt'l Security
Policy or Program
Policies: Competitiveness, Business Tax
Bill or Resolution
Private Member's Bill, C-236, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers)
Bill or Resolution
Private Member's Bill C-288, An Act to ensure Canada meets its global climate change obligations under the Kyoto Protocol
Policy or Program
Protocol to regulate greenhouse gases
Legislative Proposal
Review of Federal Labour Standards, Amendments to the Canada Labour Code
Legislative Proposal
Review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act: Senate Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment, and Natural Resources
Policy or Program
Science, Technology, Innovation
Policy or Program
Security & Prosperity Partnership of N.A., Gov't performance reporting
Smart Regulations and regulatory reform
Tariff Amendments
Policy or Program
Legislative Proposal
Trademark reform - reform of the Trademarks Act
Legislative Proposal
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act
Legislative Proposal
Transportation of dangerous goods by air
Legislative Proposal
User Fee Act
Wood Packing Material import requirements