Le Registre des lobbyistes

Enregistrement - Lobbyistes salariés d'organisations


Données d'enregistrement

Nom de l'agent responsable : Carole Saab, Chief Executive Officer 
Historique des changements d'agents responsables
Date de début de l'enregistrement initial : 2007-09-28
État de l'enregistrement : Actif
Numéro de l'enregistrement : 946339-15901

Communications associées

Nombre total de rapports de communication : 1875

Rapports mensuels de communications au cours des 6 derniers mois : 32

Version 2 de 83 (2008-04-02 à 2008-07-31)

Version 2 de 83 (2008-04-02 à 2008-07-31) a été soumis avant l'entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur le lobbying, le 2 juillet 2008. En raison d'exigences de renseignements différents à ce moment-là, l'enregistrement est présenté sous le format suivant.

A. Renseignements sur l'organisation

24 Clarence Street
Ottawa, ON  K1N 5P3
Numéro de téléphone : 613-907-6324
Numéro de fax : 613-241-7440  
Nom et poste de l'agent responsable pendant la période de cet enregistrement : Brock Carlton, Chief Executive Officer  
Description des activités de l'organisation : The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has been recognized since 1901 as the national voice of municipal governments. It is dedicated to improving the quality of life in canadian communities. FCM represents the interests of all municipalities on policy and program matters within federal jurisdiction. Municipal governments constituting FCM's membership represent more than 25 million canadians. FCM members include Canada's largest cities, small urban and rural communities and the 18 major provincial and territorial municipal associations. Municipal leaders from all parts of Canada assemble annually to establish FCM policy on key issues. The National Board of Directors meets quarterly to review policy and program matters.
Membres ou types de membres de l'organisation. : Base fee based on population escalating to $20 to $100 (depending on the population) plus 11.6 cents per capita. Municipal members: full voting rights and FCM publications for all members of council and all senior administrators. FCM publications to senior administrators. Affiliate members: comprise 18 provincial / territorial / municipal associations with a $1,255 annual fee. Corporate partners: private enterprises, $1,000 annually. Non-profit organizations: $500 annually.
L'organisation a-t-elle été financée en tout ou en partie par une institution gouvernementale domestique ou étrangère au cours du dernier exercice financier complet? Oui
Date de la fin du dernier exercice financier complet de l'organisation : 2007-03-31
Liste du financement public
Institution gouvernementale Financement reçu au cours du dernier exercice financier
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada 238 000,00 $
Infrastructure Canada 2 170 000,00 $
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 210 000,00 $
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 6 845 000,00 $

B. Lobbyistes employés dans l'organisation

Nom : Talusier Arbour Lasalle
Titre du poste : Policy and Research Analyst
Charges publiques occupées : Non
Nom : Joshua Bates
Titre du poste : Policy and Research Analyst
Charges publiques occupées : Oui
Nom : Michael Buda
Titre du poste : Deputy Director, Policy
Charges publiques occupées : Non
Nom : Brock Carlton
Titre du poste : Chief Executive Officer
Charges publiques occupées : Non
Nom : Eamonn Horan-Lunney
Titre du poste : Intergovernmental Relations Manager
Charges publiques occupées : Oui
Nom : Susan Irwin
Titre du poste : Senior Policy and Research Analyst
Charges publiques occupées : Oui
Nom : Tim Kehoe
Titre du poste : Director, International Centre for Municipal Development (ICMD)
Charges publiques occupées : Non
Nom : Tim Kehoe
Titre du poste : Director, International Centre for Municipal Development
Charges publiques occupées : Non
Nom : André Lambert
Titre du poste : Acting Director, Centre for Sustainable Community Development
Charges publiques occupées : Oui
Nom : Joanne MacDonald
Titre du poste : Communications Officer
Charges publiques occupées : Non
Nom : Gabriel Miller
Titre du poste : Intergovernmental Relations Manager
Charges publiques occupées : Non
Nom : Richard Smith
Titre du poste : Senior Policy and Network Analyst
Charges publiques occupées : Oui

C. Renseignements sur les activités de lobbying

Institutions fédérales qui ont été ou seront consultées au cours de l'engagement. : Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Canadian Heritage (PCH), Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA), Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Competition Tribunal (CT), Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), Environment Canada, Farm Products Council of Canada (FPCC), Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office (FEARO), Federal Office of Regional Development – Quebec (FORD[Q]), Finance Canada (FIN), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC), Grain Transportation Agency (GTA), Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (HMIRC), Health Canada (HC), Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC), Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), Industry Canada, Justice Canada (JC), Members of the House of Commons, National Defence (DND), National Energy Board (NEB), National Film Board (NFB), National Research Council (NRC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC), Prime Minister's Office (PMO), Privy Council Office (PCO), Procurement Review Board of Canada (PRB), Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC), Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC), Public Service Staff Relations Board (PSSRB), Public Works and Government Services Canada, Revenue Canada (RC), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Senate of Canada, Service Canada (ServCan), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Solicitor General Canada (SGC), Statistics Canada (StatCan), Status of Women, Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC), Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB), Transport Canada (TC), Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS), Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)
Techniques de communication déjà utilisées ou qui seront utilisées au cours de l'engagement :
Informal communications, Meetings, Other types: Interviews, Presentations, Telephone calls, Written communications, whether in hard copy or electronic format
Objet : Sujets de préoccupation : Aboriginal Affairs, Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Broadband, Broadcasting, Community safety and crime prevention, Emergency preparedness, Energy, Environment, Financial Institutions, Fisheries, Forestry, Government Procurement, Health, Homelessness, Housing and neighbourhood development, Immigration, Industry, Infrastructure, Intellectual Property, Internal Trade, International Relations, International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Mining, Public health, Regional Development, Remote and Northern Affairs, Rural, Science and Technology, Sports, Taxation and Finance, Telecommunications, Tourism, Transportation
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements rétrospectifs : 1) Rural, remote and northern municipal issues: mitigating the impacts of, and seeking resolution to ensure that infrastructure funding in rural, remote and northern communities is delivered appropriate to the local context; Economic development issues; 2) INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING - LONG TERM, SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS3) FINANCE - FISCAL IMBALANCE AND PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS4) ensure universal broadband access throughout all Canadian communities5) Transportation - RAIL, AIRPORTS AND PORTS - municipal/railway proximity issues and guidelines urban transit6) work with the department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada to recognize that municipal governments are partners and need to be consulted on immigration and refugee issues7) improve Canada-US relations through work with International Trade Canada and Industry Canada in trade promotion at the grassroots.8) Community safety and crime prevention issues: community corrections; national policing; emergency preparedness and security measures; policies and programs relating to crime prevention based on community participation and social development. 9) Municipal-aboriginal relations issues: resources to meet the needs of the aboriginal population living in municipalities; municipal consultation and communication regarding land management issues, include additions to reserve. 10) Social infrastructure: expanded and better-focused federal and provincial/territorial efforts on housing and homelessness; improved resources for municipal social infrastructure development. 11) Environmental issues & sustainable development: green municipal fund, sustainable development 12) International municipal development: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) -funded programs overseas in various countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia, providing technical assistance to local governments and national associations of local government; Canadian foreign policy
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements prospectifs : 1) Municipal finance and intergovernmental arrangements: revenue sharing with the federal and provincial governments; improvements to the payments in lieu of taxes (PILTs) system; federal / municipal tax issues; intergovernmental partnerships.2) Community safety and crime prevention: community-based crime prevention including crime prevention through social development; community corrections; national/contract policing; national and municipal drug strategies.3) emergency management and security measures; 4) Social development: expanded federal and provincial/territorial efforts and resources on housing, homelessness, social infrastructure, immigration, municipal/aboriginal services and adjacent community issues; community safety/crime/drug issues, arts, culture and heritage and social development; women's participation and inclusion in municipal politics; identify new indicators and expand the quality of life reporting system. 5) Rural, remote and northern municipal issues: mitigating the impacts of, and seeking resolution to, trade irritants effecting rural, remote and northern communities; ensure that infrastructure funding in rural, remote and northern communities is delivered appropriate to the local context; development and implementation of the northern strategy in the three territories. 6) Environmental issues and sustainable development: best practices in water management, watershed planning, wastewater, and stormwater; promote brownfield redevelopment, greenhouse gas (ghg) reductions; urban forest management and stewardship. Support capacity building for sustainable community planning. 7) Municipal infrastructure and transportation policy: municipal/railway proximity issues and guidelines urban transit; ensure small airports are financially viable8) TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY: ensure universal broadband access throughout all Canadian communities; seek changes to antenna tower policies; policy changes to municipal rights-of-ways.

Détails sur l'objet indiqué

Catégories Description
Bill or Resolution Age of Sexual Protection Bill
Bill or Resolution Agricultural Marketing Programs Act
Bill or Resolution Airports and Transportation Appeal Tribunal
Bill or Resolution Amending the Quarantine Act
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit Building Canada Fund: Transport, Infrastructure and Communities
Policy or Program Canada-US relations
Policy or Program Citizenship and Immigration: immigration and refugee issues
Bill or Resolution Clean Air Act
Policy or Program Community safety and crime prevention issues: community corrections; emergency preparedness and security measures; policies and programs relating to crime prevention based on community participation and social development; national/contract policing; national and municipal drug strategies
Bill or Resolution Conditional Sentencing Bill
Bill or Resolution Criminal Procedure Bill
Policy or Program emergency management and security measures
Bill or Resolution Emergency Management Bill
Policy or Program Environmental issues & sustainable development: green municipal fund, sustainable development, best practices in water management, watershed planning, wastewater, and stormwater; promote brownfield redevelopment, greenhouse gas (ghg) reductions; urban forest management and stewardship. Support capacity building for sustainable community planning.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution Federal Accountability Act
Policy or Program FINANCE - FISCAL IMBALANCE AND PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS, revenue sharing with the federal and provincial governments; improvements to the payments in lieu of taxes (PILTs) system; federal / municipal tax issues; intergovernmental partnerships.
Bill or Resolution Firearms Centre and and Gun Registry Bill
Bill or Resolution First Nations Education in B.C. Bill
Bill or Resolution First Nations Human Rights Bill
Bill or Resolution Impaired Driving Bill
Policy or Program INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING - including traditional and social infrastructure - which is to be made permanent and sustainable, with an escalator clause.
Bill or Resolution International Bridges and Tunnels Bill
Policy or Program International municipal development: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) -funded programs
Bill or Resolution Minimum Sentences for Firearms Crimes Bill
Policy or Program Municipal-aboriginal relations issues: resources to meet the needs of the aboriginal population living in municipalities; municipal consultation and communication regarding land management issues, include additions to reserve.
Bill or Resolution Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Act Bill
Bill or Resolution Public Health Agency of Canada Bill
Policy or Program RAIL, AIRPORTS AND PORTS - municipal/railway proximity issues and guidelines urban transit, ensure small airports are financially viable
Bill or Resolution Repeat Offenders Bill
Policy or Program Rural, remote and northern municipal issues: mitigating the impacts of, and seeking resolution to ensure that infrastructure funding in rural, remote and northern communities is delivered appropriate to the local context; Economic development issues; mitigating the impacts of, and seeking resolution to, trade irritants effecting rural, remote and northern communities; development and implementation of the northern strategy in the three territories.
Bill or Resolution Seacoast and Inland Fisheries Sustainable Development Bill
Bill or Resolution Senate Elections Bill
Bill or Resolution Senate Tenure Bill
Policy or Program Social infrastructure: improved resources for municipal social infrastructure development, expanded federal and provincial/territorial efforts and resources on housing, homelessness, social infrastructure, immigration, municipal/aboriginal services and adjacent community issues; community safety/crime/drug issues, arts, culture and heritage and social development; women's participation and inclusion in municipal politics; identify new indicators and expand the quality of life reporting system.
Bill or Resolution Softwood Lumber Bill
Bill or Resolution Street Racing Bill
Policy or Program TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY: ensure universal broadband access throughout all Canadian communities; seek changes to antenna tower policies; policy changes to municipal rights-of-ways;
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit Transfer of federal Gas tax: Government of Canada
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution Transportation and Railway Safety Act

Objets ajoutés par l'intermédiaire d'un rapport de communication
Building relationship between municipal government and CIDA 2008-07-06
Institutions gouvernementales ajoutées au moyen d'un rapport de communication : Infrastructure Canada (INFC) Consulter

Date de la dernière version :