Registry of Lobbyists

Registration - In-house Organization

HIV Legal Network / Réseau juridique VIH / Sandra Ka Hon Chu, Co-Executive Director

Registration Information

In-house Organization name: HIV Legal Network / Réseau juridique VIH
Previous in-house organization names
Responsible Officer Name: Sandra Ka Hon Chu, Co-Executive Director 
Responsible Officer Change History
Initial registration start date: 2007-09-20
Registration status: Active
Registration Number: 949594-15984

Associated Communications

Total Number of Communication Reports: 296

Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 8

Version 3 of 32 (2008-04-23 to 2008-10-15)

Version 3 of 32 (2008-04-23 to 2008-10-15) was submitted prior to the Lobbying Act coming into force on July 2, 2008. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

A. Organization Information

Organization: Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
1240 Bay Street, Suite 600
Toronto, ON  M5B 2A7
Telephone number: 416-595-1666  Ext.: 229
Fax number: 416-595-0094  
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration: Richard Elliott, Executive Director  
Description of the organization's activities: The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network promotes the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, in Canada and internationally. We accomplish this through research, legal and policy analysis, education, advocacy, and community mobilization.
Organization's membership or classes of membership: The organization's members are front-line AIDS service organizations, other service-providers and community-based organizations, other organizations working on HIV/AIDS and/or human rights and legal issues, legal service providers, and other individuals and organizations interested in HIV/AIDS and particularly legal and human rights issues related to the epidemic, mostly in Canada.
Was the organization funded in whole or in part by any domestic or foreign government institution in the last completed financial year? Yes
End date of the organization's last completed financial year: 2008-03-31
List of Government Funding
Government Institution Funding Received in Last Financial Year
Health Canada -- International Affairs $7,200.00
Public Health Agency of Canada $595,762.82

B. Lobbyists Employed by the Organization

Name: Sandra Chu
Position title: Senior Policy Analyst
Public offices held: Yes
Name: Richard Elliott
Position title: Executive Director
Public offices held: No
Name: Richard Pearshouse
Position title: Director, Research & Policy
Public offices held: No
Name: Alison Symington
Position title: Senior Policy Analyst
Public offices held: No

C. Lobbying Activity Information

Federal departments or organizations which have been or will be communicated with during the course of the undertaking: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC), Health Canada (HC), Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), Industry Canada, Members of the House of Commons, Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB), Prime Minister's Office (PMO), Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC)
Communication techniques that have been used or are expected to be used in the course of the undertaking:
Grass-roots communication, Informal communications, Meetings, Presentations, Telephone calls, Written communications, whether in hard copy or electronic format
Subject Matter: Areas of Concern: Aboriginal Affairs, Constitutional Issues, Health, Immigration, Industry, Intellectual Property, International Relations, International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Science and Technology
Subject Matter: Retrospective: October 2, 2007: met with representatives from Correctional Services Canada, as a member of CSC's Community Consultation Committee, regarding health issues in federal prisons;October 3, 2007: met with representatives from Health Canada (International Affairs Directorate), Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Public Health Agency of Canada and Canadian International Development Agency regarding range of Canadian foreign policy issues and initiatives related to HIV/AIDS, as a member of the Consultative Group on Global HIV/AIDS Issues;November 15, 2007: letter to members of House of Commons Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs and International Development regarding human rights in China;November 16, 2007: letter to Prime Minister re: demonstrating Canada's commitment to achieving universal access to HIV prevention, care and treatment by 2010;December 6, 2007: met with federal Minister of Health and senior ministerial staff, as well as Chief Public Health Officer and senior PHAC staff, to discuss federal funding for the Federal Initiative to Access HIV/AIDS in Canada;December 21, 2007: letter to federal Public Safety Minister regarding recommendations of the CSC review panel;January 23, 2008: met with representatives from Health Canada (International Affairs Directorate), Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Public Health Agency of Canada and Canadian International Development Agency regarding range of Canadian foreign policy issues and initiatives related to HIV/AIDS, as a member of the Consultative Group on Global HIV/AIDS Issues;January-February 2008: various communications with representatives of CSC regarding HIV and HCV prevention in prisons;January-February 2008: submission of funding proposal to PHAC, various related communications;January 2008: letter to Public Safety Minister regarding report on HIV and HCV prevention in prisons;February 11, 2008: meeting with MP J. Karygiannis regarding CAMR;February 11, 2008: submission of funding proposal to HRSDC;February 12,2008: meeting with Senator Y. Golstein regarding CAMR.
Subject Matter: Prospective: For March 18 2008 to September 17, 2008:Share with relevant federal officials a discussion paper on HIV, disability and human rights law;Further communication with CSC officials regarding HIV and HCV prevention, care, treatment and support in federal prisons;Communication with Paliamentarians and government officials regarding National Anti-Drug Strategy and various matters related to federal policy on illegal drugs, including proposed legislative amendments, as well as Canadian foreign policy on this subject;Ongoing communication with Parliamentarians and government officials regarding Canada's Access to medicines regime;Communications with PHAC and other government officials regarding national policy framework on HIV testing and counselling;Communications with officials of Citizenship and Immigration Canada regarding immigration policy and practice as it affects people living with HIV;Communications with Parliamentarians and officials from PHAC and other government departments/agencies regarding funding for the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada.

Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter

Categories Description
Regulation, Policy or Program Canada's Access to Medicines Regime
Legislative Proposal, Policy or Program Canada's foreign policy (various aspects) and HIV/AIDS
Legislative Proposal Criminal Code and sex work
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Policy or Program Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada
Policy or Program HIV/AIDS and federal correctional facilities
Bill or Resolution, Legislative Proposal, Policy or Program, Regulation HIV prevention and treatment services for people who use illicit drugs

Subject matters added through a communication report
Canada's Access to Medicines Regime 2008-08-05

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