Description of the organization's activities
Founded in 1891, Electricity Canada (formerly the Canadian Electricity Association) is the national forum and voice of the evolving and innovative electricity business in Canada. The Association supports, through its advocacy efforts, the regional, national, and international success of its members.
Electricity Canada members generate, transmit, and distribute electrical energy to industrial, commercial, residential, and institutional customers across Canada. Members include integrated electric utilities, independent power producers, transmission and distribution companies, power marketers, manufacturers and suppliers of materials, technology, and services and represent over 85% of the Canadian population.
Electricity Canada is the national voice for sustainable electricity for its members and the customers they serve as the country works towards a Net Zero by 2050 future.
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration
Francis Bradley,
President and CEO
Organization's membership or classes of membership
The core of Electricity Canada’s membership is 42 electric utility member companies. Electricity Canada members also include Marketers and Corporate Partners who provide products and services to the industry.
Government funding
No government funding was received during the last completed financial year.
In-house Organization Contact Information
275 Slater Street
Suite 1500
Ottawa, ON K1P 5H9
Telephone number: