Federally Regulated Employers - Transportation and Communications (FETCO) represents the major federally regulated companies and employers’ associations in the transportation and communications sectors in Canada. FETCO members collectively employ approximately 500,000 employees. FETCO members employ the vast majority of unionized employees covered by the Canada Labour Code. The mission of FETCO is to influence positive public policy outcomes for member companies operating in the federal jurisdiction of Canada covering all laws and regulations pertaining to employment and human resources in the workplace, including: labour relations occupational health and safety employment standards employment equity pay equity human rights in the workplace workers compensation personal information and privacy in the workplace pandemic preparedness private sector and public pension policy where warranted, FETCO will involve itself in all other laws and regulations pertaining to employment matters including provincial public policy issues that could influence Federal legislation and federally regulated employers.
Derrick Hynes, President and CEO
1 Rideau Street, Suite 700
Ottawa, ON K1N 8S7
Telephone number: