Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Taxation and Finance
Addressing the high cost of living and investing in affordable housing
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Bill C-27, Digitial Charter Implementation Act - Part III of C-27 and the impact of artificial intelligence on jobs and workers.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Constitutional Issues
Bill C-65, Canada Elections Act
With interest in provisions that impact Third Parties and contributions to Third Parties
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Clean electricity regulations and emissions cap
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Implementation of universal pharmacare, dental care, long term care and mental health care
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Taxation and Finance
Investing in Employment Insurance, care workers, unionized jobs and strong workplace standards
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
International Trade
Labour provisions in the Canada-Ecuador Trade Agreement and Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Regulation
The regularization of undocumented workers, update and possible next steps for the CLC Out-of-status Construction Workers in the GTA project
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
The Canadian Labour Congress exists to: Promote the interests of its affiliates and advance the economic and social welfare of Canadian workers, including those who are unemployed or retired. Affiliate national, international, regional and provincial labour unions. Respond to requests from affiliates and chartered bodies to help them extend the benefits of collective bargaining to workers not yet in unions. Set up and assist provincial and territorial federations of labour and local labour councils. Work for laws that protect workers' rights, such as free collective bargaining and the right to strike, and the security and welfare of all Canadians. Protect and strengthen our democratic institutions and ensure full recognition and enjoyment of the rights and liberties to which we are entitled. Safeguard the democratic nature of the labour movement and respect the autonomy of every affiliate. Help create and participate in coalitions with groups that share our goals and principles. Promote peace and freedom throughout the world and work with labour movements and peace groups in other countries. Provide an efficient and orderly method for settling disputes between affiliates. Actively encourage mergers between compatible affiliates to create stronger, more effective unions and reduce conflict and duplication. Speak for labour on national and international issues, explain union policies and represent the labour movement with national and international agencies. Keep the labour movement independent of political control while encouraging workers to exercise their full rights and duties as citizens and play their rightful part in the political system at every level. Promote labour media and other means of informing and educating union members. Encourage the sale and use of union-made goods and union services through the use of the union label and other symbols.
Beatrice Bruske, PRESIDENT
2841 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON K1V 8X7
Telephone number: