Nombre total de rapports de communication : 504
Rapports mensuels de communications au cours des 6 derniers mois : 0
EnCana is a leading North American unconventional natural gas and integrated oil sands company. One hundred percent of the company's reserves and production are in onshore North America. EnCana is the largest producer and land holder in Western Canada and has interests in Canada's emerging offshore East Coast Basins. In the U.S., EnCana is one of the largest gas explorers and producers in the Rocky Mountain States. EnCana has entered into upstream and downstream heavy oil partnerships. The upstream partnership assets include two of EnCana's oil sands projects. The downstream partnership assets include two refineries in the U.S. The company also conducts focused new ventures exploration in other parts of the world, including Brazil, France and the Middle East.
Randall Eresman, President & Chief Executive Officer
Adresse :
855 - 2nd Street SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2S5
Numéro de téléphone :
Numéro de fax :
ENCANA CORPORATION n'est pas une filiale d'une société mère.