Registry of Lobbyists

Registration - In-house Corporation


Registration Information

Previous in-house corporation names
Responsible Officer Name: Kristian Aquilina, President and Managing Director 
Responsible Officer Change History
Initial registration start date: 2006-08-22
Registration status: Active
Registration Number: 957098-13501

Associated Communications

Total Number of Communication Reports: 1315

Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 38

Version 1 of 69 (2006-08-22 to 2007-02-19)

Version 1 of 69 (2006-08-22 to 2007-02-19) was submitted prior to the Lobbying Act coming into force on July 2, 2008. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

A. Information about Responsible Officer and Corporation

Corporation: General Motors of Canada Limited
1908 Colonel Sam Drive
Oshawa, ON  L1H 8P7
Telephone number: 905-644-6183
Fax number: 905-644-4686  
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration: Arturo Elias, President and Managing Director  
Description of activities: General Motors Corporation, founded in 1908 is best known as the world's largest full-line vehicle manufacturer. It designs, engineers, manufactures and sells cars and trucks worldwide.
The client is a subsidiary of the following parent companies: GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION
United States of America 48265-1000

Coalition The corporation is not a member of a coalition.
Subsidiary: The corporation does not have any subsidiaries that could be affected by the outcome of the undertaking.
Other direct interests The corporation's activities are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Was the corporation funded in whole or in part by any domestic or foreign government institution in the last completed financial year? No

B. Lobbyists Employed by the Corporation

Name: Geoffrey Bailey
Position title: Manager, Government Relations
Public offices held: No
Name: Marc Boismenu
Position title: Manager - R & D Programs
Public offices held: No
Name: Glenn Bryksaw
Position title: Vehicle Environmental Programs
Public offices held: No
Name: Miriam Christie
Position title: Manager - Government Relations
Public offices held: No
Name: Arturo Elias
Position title: President
Public offices held: No
Name: Marianne Emig Munro
Position title: Counsel
Public offices held: No
Name: Tammy Giroux
Position title: Senior Environmental Analyst
Public offices held: No
Name: Heather Innes
Position title: Counsel
Public offices held: No
Name: Louise Kevins
Position title: Vehicle Safety Liaison
Public offices held: No
Name: Phil Kling
Position title: Manager, Government Relations
Public offices held: No
Name: Greg Parker
Position title: Manager - Engineering and Product Planning
Public offices held: No
Name: David Paterson
Position title: VP - Corporate & Environmental Affairs
Public offices held: No
Name: Phillip Petsinis
Position title: Manager - Government Relations
Public offices held: No
Name: Michael Ricciuto
Position title: Manager - Vehicle Automotive Regulatory Activities
Public offices held: No
Name: Faye Roberts
Position title: Manager - Government Relations
Public offices held: Yes
Name: David Stainton
Position title: Analyst Risk
Public offices held: No
Name: Charles Stevens
Position title: VP Finance & Treasurer
Public offices held: No
Name: Bryan Swift
Position title: Director - Environmental Affairs
Public offices held: No
Name: Gregory Tyus
Position title: General Director - EPP
Public offices held: No
Name: John Wood
Position title: Senior Advisor - Canadian Programs
Public offices held: No

C. Lobbying Activity Information

Federal departments or organizations which have been or will be communicated with during the course of the undertaking: Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada (MAECIC), Agence canadienne de développement international (ACDI), Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada (BST), Bureau du Conseil privé (BCP), Bureau fédéral examen évaluation environnemental (BFEEE), Commissaire à l'information et à la protection de la vie privée (CIPVP), Commission canadienne des pensions (CCP), Commission d'appel des pensions (CAP), Conseil canadien des relations du travail (CCRT), Conseil de contrôle des renseignements relatifs aux matières dangereuses (CCRMD), Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC), Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie (CRSNG), Conseil national de recherches (CNRC), Développement des ressources humaines Canada (DRHC), Environnement Canada, Finances Canada (FIN), Industrie Canada, Office national de l'énergie (ONÉ), Office national des transports (ONT), Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan), Revenu Canada (RC), Santé Canada (SC), Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada (SCT), Statistique Canada (StatCan), Transports Canada (TC), Tribunal de la concurrence (TC)
Communication techniques that have been used or are expected to be used in the course of the undertaking:
Appel au grand public, Appels téléphoniques, Communications informelles, Communications écrites, en format papier ou électronique, Présentations, Réunions
Subject Matter: Areas of Concern: Commerce international, Développement régional, Éducation, Emploi et formation, Énergie, Environnement, Impôts et finances, Industrie, Infrastructure, Institutions financières, Marchés publics, Questions touchant les consommateurs, Relations internationales, Santé, Sciences et technologies, Télécommunications, Transports, Travail
Subject Matter: Retrospective: Lobbying activity with respect to Canadian Radio-Televison Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) decisions re: Satellite Radio; Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) initiatives; Automotive strategy; Smart Regulation, Fuel Cell Programs, Research and Development (R&D) Support
Subject Matter: Prospective: Lobbying activity with respect to CRTC decisions re: Satellite Radio; HRSDC initiatives; Automotive strategy; Smart Regulation, Fuel Cell Programs, R&D Support

Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter

Categories Description
Projet de loi ou résolution Bill C54- The Privacy Act- Update, Canadian Manufacturing Vehicles Safety Standards - Bill 208 (CMV SS208), Bill C30: An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Energy Efficiency Act and the Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act (Canada's Clean Air Act), Bill C-2: An Act providing for conflict of interest rules, restrictions on election financing and measures respecting administrative transparency, oversight and accountability; Bill C-257: An Act to amend the Canada Labor Code (replacement workers).
Proposition législative Employment Insurance Act, Competition Act, Pensions Legislation, Universal Laws Congress of Canada (ULCC) Model Franchise Act, Budget, New Bilateral +/or multilateral trade agreements, changes to existing trade agreements, Motor Vehicle Safety Act, Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier Technology Partnership Canada; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) with respect to R&D support
Règlement Vehicle Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Safety Regulations.

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