Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Arts and Culture
Increase funding to the Canada Book Fund and maintain all other programs that support writing and publishing in Canada.
Policies or Program
Intellectual Property
Lobbying to amend the Copyright Modernization Act. Amend the section (old section 21) to limit fair dealing exemption for education.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Arts and Culture, Intellectual Property
Operating grant, contributions to projects in technology development, research, marketing, professional development
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
The Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) represents Canadian-owned book publishers, with members from all provinces, and from all publishing sectors: literary, general, trade, children's, scholarly and educational. In all its activities, the ACP aims to promote the writing, publishing, distribution and promotion of Canadian books.
John Illingworth, Executive Director
End date of the last completed financial year: 2024-03-31
Government Institution | Funding Received in Last Financial Year | Funding Expected in Current Financial Year |
Canada Council for the Arts | $221,000.00 | Yes |
Canadian Heritage (PCH) | $148,400.00 | Yes |
Ontario Creates | $60,000.00 | Yes |
Studio 257A
401 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8
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