The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is a health charity that supports research to find the cause, prevention and cure for MS, provides services and programs for persons with MS and their families and caregivers, and educates the public about the disease.
Yves Savoie, President & Chief Executive Officer
Date de la fin du dernier exercice financier complet : 2013-12-31
Institution gouvernementale | Financement reçu au cours du dernier exercice financier | Financement attendu pendant l'exercice financier en cours |
Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission | 36 611,00 $ | Oui |
BC Gaming - Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General | 332 274,00 $ | Oui |
City of Brandon | 1 500,00 $ | Oui |
City of Edmonton | 10 208,00 $ | Oui |
City of Hamilton, Ontario | 13 005,00 $ | Oui |
City of Lethbridge | 4 809,00 $ | Oui |
City of Medicine Hat | 2 500,00 $ | Oui |
City of Niagra Falls | 2 000,00 $ | Oui |
City of Ottawa, Ontario | 6 420,00 $ | Oui |
City of Yellowknife | 375,00 $ | Oui |
Community Initiative Program, Ministry of Culture and Community Spirit, Government of Alberta | 129 682,00 $ | Oui |
Dept of Health & Social Services, Quebec | 691 080,00 $ | Oui |
Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC) | 72 432,00 $ | Oui |
Emploi-Quebec | 103 900,00 $ | Oui |
Family and Community Support Services, Government of Alberta | 2 891,00 $ | Oui |
Gov't of Alberta Culture and Community Spirit | 48 800,00 $ | Oui |
Gov't of Canada - New Horizons | 71 529,00 $ | Oui |
Gov't of Newfoundland and Labrador - Dept of Health and community Services | 5 000,00 $ | Oui |
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) | 61 505,00 $ | Oui |
Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation | 4 298,00 $ | Oui |
Life Long Learning, Government of Alberta | 463,00 $ | Oui |
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Government of Ontario | 3 741,00 $ | Oui |
Municipality of Abitibi | 91,00 $ | Oui |
Municipality of Laval | 3 367,00 $ | Oui |
Municipality of Montreal | 5 000,00 $ | Oui |
Municipality of Outaouais - PQ | 4 774,00 $ | Oui |
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, Government of Canada | 29 277,00 $ | Oui |
Programme d'accompagnement en loisirs, Gouvernement du Quebec | 16 200,00 $ | Oui |
Provincial Health Services Authority of BC | 57 934,00 $ | Oui |
Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement (SCHL) | 1 695,00 $ | Oui |
Soutien à l'action bénévole, Gouvernement du Quebec | 200,00 $ | Oui |
Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada | 9 020,00 $ | Oui |
Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada | 4 486,00 $ | Oui |
Trillium Foundation, Ontario | 23 882,00 $ | Oui |
Adresse :
175 Bloor St. E., Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4W 3R8
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