Registry of Lobbyists

Registration - In-house Organization

Air Line Pilots Association, International / Association des Pilotes de Ligne, Internationale / Ann Matejicka, Sr. Legislative Representative (Canada)

Registration Information

In-house Organization name: Air Line Pilots Association, International / Association des Pilotes de Ligne, Internationale
Previous in-house organization names
Responsible Officer Name: Ann Matejicka, Sr. Legislative Representative (Canada) 
Responsible Officer Change History
Initial registration start date: 2007-04-19
Registration status: Active
Registration Number: 949010-15240

Associated Communications

Total Number of Communication Reports: 108

Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 7

Version 14 of 30 (2012-12-03 to 2014-05-22)

Version 14 of 30 (2012-12-03 to 2014-05-22)

Date Modified: