Lobbying Information
Subject Matters
- Agriculture
- Budget
- Constitutional Issues
- Consumer Issues
- Economic Development
- Employment and Training
- Financial Institutions
- Industry
- Infrastructure
- Internal Trade
- International Relations
- International Trade
- Justice and Law Enforcement
- Labour
- Pensions
- Privacy and Access to Information
- Regional Development
- Small Business
- Taxation and Finance
Subject Matter Details
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- Amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act with respect to priorities under the Act, especially for pension benefits
- Bill C-3 - Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada's Economy Act with respect to the proposed change to Income Tax Act and Mortgage Insurance
- Canada Labour Code with respect to impact on bank management of human resources, review of Part 3 of Canada Labour Code, and replacement workers and the need for flexibility in managing bank human resources
- Canada Pension Act with respect to impact on banking industry pension plan
- Canadian Human Rights Act with respect to pay equity, and accommodating the needs of people with disabilities
- Companies Creditors Arrangement Act with respect to rules governing insolvency
- Criminal Code with respect to identity theft
- Employment Equity Act, regarding the hiring and employment of groups designated under the Act
- Excise Tax Act with respect to the Goods and Services Tax
- Income Tax Act with respect to corporate income tax, capital tax, international taxation, personal taxation, and registered saving products
- Income Tax Act with respect to ss. 95(1), 95(2), 122.1(1), 212(3), 212(9), 214(8)(a), 248(1) and Regulation 7000(3)
- Personal Information Protection and Electronics Document Act (PIPEDA): seeking workable, practical approaches in the amendments to PIPEDA as a result of the 5-years review of the legislation
- Proposed change to Canada Elections Act, with respect to requirements and restriction on providing loans to political candidates
- Winding-up and Restructuring Act with respect to rules governing insolvency of financial institution
Policies or Program
- Advance Payments Program regarding greater efficiency in the administration of the program
- Agri-Invest Program regarding the program’s implementation and the need to create deposit accounts for program participants
- Canada Small Business Financing Program regarding more efficient administration of the program and claims procedures
- Corporate governance for rules governing Board of Directors and Committee of financial institutions
- Discussions on public policy options for improving the retirement savings system in Canada and further research needs in this area
- Discussions relating to the distribution of coins by the Canadian Mint through the banking system.
- Input to revisions of FCAC Compliance Framework with a view to workable requirements for the banks
- OSFI Accounting Guideline C-1: seeking (i) internationally competitive access to cost-efficient capital and (ii) globally coordinated and appropriate regulatory responses to the financial turmoil
- OSFI Capital Adequacy Requirements Guideline A & A-1: seeking (i) internationally competitive access to cost-efficient capital and (ii) globally coordinated and appropriate regulatory responses to the financial turmoil
- Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions Guidelines regarding accounting rules governing financial institutions
- Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions Guidelines regarding outsourcing of financial services and related party transactions
- Telecommunications policy with respect to regulation of Do-Not-Call List
- World Trade Organization rules regarding international trade in financial services
- Bank Act Registered Plans Regulations: seeking workable rules for disclosure requirements on registered plans
- Bank Deposit Type Instruments Regulations: seeking workable rules for disclosure requirements for term deposits and GICs
- Cost of Borrowing (Banks) Regulations: seeking more efficient rules for when disclosure of borrowing costs is required
- Electronic Documents (Bank and Bank Holding Companies) Regulations in respect of improving electronic communications between banks, their customers and shareholders
- Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA): seeking workable, practical approaches in the amendments to PIPEDA regarding elder abuse
- Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations with respect to the proposed change to anti-trust loan and anti-terrorist measure
- The Access to Basic Banking Services Regulations: seeking to clarify appropriate identification for opening accounts and to make account opening procedures more workable
- The Disclosure of Charges Regulations: seeking clarity in definitions
- The Disclosure of Interest Regulations: seeking more customer-friendly disclosure of interest on renewal of deposits
- The Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request Regulations: seeking more flexibility regarding deemed receipt of required disclosures
Communication Techniques
Written communication
Oral communication
Grass-roots communication
Government Institutions
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Bank of Canada
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)
Canada Labour Relations Board (CLRB)
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT)
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
Competition Bureau Canada (COBU)
Competition Tribunal (CT)
Environment Canada
Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
Finance Canada (FIN)
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC)
House of Commons
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC)
Industry Canada
Justice Canada (JC)
Members of the House of Commons
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC)
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada (OSFI)
Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
Privy Council Office (PCO)
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Revenue Canada (RC)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Senate of Canada
Service Canada (ServCan)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Solicitor General Canada (SGC)
Statistics Canada (StatCan)
Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
In-house Organization Details
Description of the organization's activities
Promote an understanding of the Canadian banking industry, work with others to ensure the legal and regulatory framework governing banks operates in an effecient and effective manner, and help in the development of industry standards.
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration
Terry Campbell,
President and Chief Executive Officer
Organization's membership or classes of membership
The Canadian Bankers Association works on behalf of 52 Schedule I, Schedule II and Schedule III banks and their 267,000 employees. The descriptions of Schedule I, Schedule II and Schedule III bank are provided under the Bank Act.
Government funding
No government funding was received during the last completed financial year.
In-house Organization Contact Information
199 Bay Street
Commerce Court West
Toronto, ON M5L 1G2
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Lobbyists Details
Employees who lobby for the organization
- Valerie Atkinson,
Advisor, Financial Affairs |
No public offices held
- Naina Bhasin,
Advisor, Financial Affairs |
No public offices held
- Terry Campbell,
President and Chief Executive Officer |
No public offices held
- Alex Ciappara,
Advisor, Market and Regulatory Developments |
Public offices held
- Nathalie Clark,
Vice President, Genreal Counsel & Corporate Secretary |
No public offices held
- William Crate,
Director, Security |
No public offices held
- Deborah Crossman,
Director, Banking Operations |
No public offices held
- Maura Drew-Lytle,
Director, Media Relations & Communications |
No public offices held
- Darren Hannah,
Director Banking Operations |
No public offices held
- Randy Hopkins,
Advisor, Consumer Affairs |
No public offices held
- Nancy Leamen,
Director, Human Resoures Policy |
No public offices held
- Anne Lefebvre,
Director, Government |
Public offices held
- Marina Mandal,
Senior Legal Counsel, Legal |
No public offices held
- Jelena Novikov,
Legal Counsel |
No public offices held
- Anthony Polci,
Vice President, Government Relations |
Public offices held
- Maja Polczynski,
Advisor, Financial Affairs |
No public offices held
- William Randle,
Assistant General Counsel & Foreign Banks Secretary |
No public offices held
- Linda Routledge,
Director, Consumer and Commercial Affairs |
No public offices held
- Walter Shea,
Advisor, Financial Affairs |
Public offices held
- Robin Walsh,
Vice President, Strategy & Communications |
Public offices held
- Greta Wemekamp,
Advisor, Financial Affairs (Tax) |
Public offices held
- Karen Williston,
Advisor, Operations |
No public offices held
- Marion Wrobel,
Vice President, Policy and Operations |
Public offices held