Nombre total de rapports de communication : 153
Rapports mensuels de communications au cours des 6 derniers mois : 0
Version 1 de 32 (2007-08-07 à 2008-02-13) a été soumis avant l'entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur le lobbying, le 2 juillet 2008. En raison d'exigences de renseignements différents à ce moment-là, l'enregistrement est présenté sous le format suivant.
Organisation : |
L’Association des facultés de médecine du Canada / The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
774 Echo Dr Ottawa, ON K1S 5P2 Canada |
Numéro de téléphone : | 613-730-0687 | ||||||
Numéro de fax : | 613-730-1196 | ||||||
Nom et poste de l'agent responsable pendant la période de cet enregistrement : | Nick Busing, President and CEO | ||||||
Description des activités de l'organisation : | The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada is the national voice for the 17 Canadian medical faculties. In its advocacy role, AFMC actively engages government and key stakeholders on public policy debates related to health, medical education and research funding, issues on health human resources and medical education. AFMC also manages a rigorous system of accreditation at both the undergraduate and continuing medical education levels for all 17 Canadian faculties of medicine. The Canadian Post-M.D. Education Registry (CAPER) is the active data-gathering and research arm of the organization with an interest in the post-M.D. clinical education of physicians in Canada. Finally, AFMC's Social Accountability Initiative (SAI) acknowledges and promotes the role of faculties of medicine in Canada in ensuring access to and quality of the system in order to meet the health needs of the population through interprofessionals models of education and care delivery, by addressing issues of professionalism and engaging with other key stakeholders in the areas of public health, Aboriginal health and end-of-life palliative care issues and with young leaders to look at what the health care system will be like in the future.AFMC also recently received funding from Health Canada to conduct a project on The Future of Medical Education in Canada. | ||||||
Membres ou types de membres de l'organisation. : | Our membership includes the Deans and faculty members at the 17 faculties of medicine of Canada as well as health care organizations that deal with accreditation, physician training and international students. | ||||||
L'organisation a-t-elle été financée en tout ou en partie par une institution gouvernementale domestique ou étrangère au cours du dernier exercice financier complet? | Oui | ||||||
Date de la fin du dernier exercice financier complet de l'organisation : | 2007-03-31 | ||||||
Nom : | Nick Busing |
Titre du poste : | President & CEO |
Charges publiques occupées : | Non |
Titre du poste : | Vice President, External Affairs |
Charges publiques occupées : | Non |
Institutions fédérales qui ont été ou seront consultées au cours de l'engagement. : | Cabinet du Premier ministre (CPM), Députés de la Chambre des communes, Finances Canada (FIN), Industrie Canada, Santé Canada (SC), Sénat du Canada | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Techniques de communication déjà utilisées ou qui seront utilisées au cours de l'engagement :
Appel au grand public, Appels téléphoniques, Communications informelles, Communications écrites, en format papier ou électronique, Présentations, Réunions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Objet : Sujets de préoccupation : | Affaires autochtones, Éducation, Immigration, Industrie, Institutions financières, Santé, Sciences et technologies | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements rétrospectifs : | Face-to-face meetings with:Steven Fletcher, Parliamentary Secretary for Health regarding the potential role of the faculties of medicine in contributing to an increased medical workforce, entrance opportunities that would allow for more flexibility and policies with regards to IMGs.Iain Stewart, Director General, Industry Canada regarding our reaction to the S&T strategy, including where S&T responses should go.Frank Fedyk, Associate Deputy Minister, Health Canada regarding health human resources, the future of medical education in Canada, ROI of health research expenditures - multiple initiatives, The role of Knowledge Transfer / Knowledge Translation in health research, interprofessional accreditation project, the Canadian Medical Forum - Updates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements prospectifs : | Face-to-face meetings with:Minister Jim Flaherty regarding medical education and health research funding.Jo Kennelly, Director of Policy, Ministry of Health regarding health human resources, the future of medical education in Canada, The Canadian Medical Forum - Update, Return on Investment (ROI) of health research expenditures - multiple initiatives, the role of Knowledge Transfer / Knowledge Translation in health research and interprofessional accreditation project. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Détails sur l'objet indiqué