Institutions fédérales qui ont été ou seront consultées au cours de l'engagement. :
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC),
Bureau fédéral examen évaluation environnemental (BFEEE),
Cabinet du Premier ministre (CPM),
Députés de la Chambre des communes,
Environnement Canada,
Finances Canada (FIN),
Industrie Canada,
Office national de l'énergie (ONÉ),
Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO),
Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan),
Revenu Canada (RC),
Santé Canada (SC),
Sénat du Canada,
Transports Canada (TC)
Techniques de communication déjà utilisées ou qui seront utilisées au cours de l'engagement :
Appel au grand public,
Appels téléphoniques,
Communications informelles,
Communications écrites, en format papier ou électronique,
Objet : Sujets de préoccupation :
Développement régional,
Food Safety,
Impôts et finances,
Questions touchant les consommateurs,
Sciences et technologies,
Toxic Substances,
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements rétrospectifs :
Changes to, and/or enforcement of, The Fisheries Act, The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, The Species at Risk Act, The Oceans Act, The Pest Control Products Act, The Ocean Dumping Control Act, The Navigable Waters Protection Act, The Clean Air Act, the Hazardous Products Act, The National Sustainable Development Act, The Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Act, and PBDE Regulations. In addition, the Foundation offered comments and/or entered into discussions respecting the implementation of The Kyoto Accord, Canada's Wild Salmon Policy, The Pacific Salmon Treaty, Canada's Oceans Policy, the Oceans to Plate Strategy, The Seafood Certification Policy, The Federal Moratorium on Oil and Gas Activities Offshore British Columbia, The National Aquatic Animal Health Program, The National Ambient Air Quality Objectives, the Development of a Canada-wide strategy for the management of municipal wastewater effluent, the Environmental Process Modernization Plan, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Environmental Process Modernization Plan, the Regulatory Framework for Air Emissions, Chemical Management Plan, Security and Prosperity Partnership, and Maximum Residue Limits. Proposals for the introduction of a National Sustainability Act and regulations that employ ecological fiscal reform measures were also addressed by the Foundation along with proposed legislation respecting Canada's obligations related to climate change, and for the introduction of a national environmental health strategy.
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements prospectifs :
Changes to, and/or enforcement of, The Fisheries Act, The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, The Species at Risk Act, The Oceans Act, The Pest Control Products Act, The Ocean Dumping Control Act, The Navigable Waters Protection Act, The Clean Air Act, The Hazardous Products Act, The Food and Drug Act, the Consumer Product Safety Act, The National Sustainable Development Act, The Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act, and PBDE Regulations. In addition, the Foundation will offer comments and/or enter into discussions respecting the implementation of The Kyoto Accord, Canada's Wild Salmon Policy, The Pacific Salmon Treaty, The Oceans to Plate Strategy, The Seafood Certification Policy, Canada's Oceans Strategy, The Federal Moratorium on Oil and Gas Activities Offshore British Columbia, The National Aquatic Animal Health Program, The National Ambient Air Quality Objectives, the Development of a Canada-wide strategy for the management of municipal wastewater effluent, the Environmental Process Modernization Plan, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Environmental Process Modernization Plan, the Regulatory Framework for Air Emissions, the Chemical Management Plan, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, Maximum Residue Limits, Canada's Food and Consumer Safety Action Plan, the National Water Strategy, and Canada-Wide Standards, and Canadian Standards Association Standards respecting flame retardancy. Proposals for the introduction of a National Sustainability Act and regulations that employ ecological fiscal reform measures will also addressed by the Foundation along with proposed legislation respecting Canada's obligations related to climate change, legislation respecting civil liability and compensation for damage in case of nuclear accident, and a proposal for the introduction of a National Envirornmental Health Stratgey. Finally, the Foundation will offer comment and advice respecting proposed legistaion respecting the development of Canada's Seacoast and Inland Fisheries, the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area Planning Process Implementation Strategy, and policies and proposals respecting child health and the environment.
Détails sur l'objet indiqué
Projet de loi ou résolution
Annual Budget
Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-33 An Act to Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-377: An Act to ensure Canada assumes its responsibilities in preventing dangerous climate change.
Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-45: An Act Respecting the Sustainable Development of Canada's Seacoast and Inland Fisheries.
Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-474 The National Sustainable Development Act
Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-51 An Act to Amend the Food and Drugs Act
Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-52 Consumer Product Safety Act
Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-5 An Act Respecting Civil Liability and Compensation for Damage in Caswe of a Nuclear Accident
Politique ou programme
Canada's Food and Consumer Safety Action Plan
Politique ou programme
Canada's Wild Salmon Policy.
Canadian Standards Association Standards Respecting Flame Retardancy
Politique ou programme
Candian Oceans Strategy
Politique ou programme
Chemical Management Plan
Politique ou programme
Environmental Process Modernization Plan.
Politique ou programme
Federal Moratorium on Oil and Gas Activities Offshore British Columbia.
Politique ou programme
Fisheries and Oceans compliance and enforcement of habitat protection and pollution prevention.
Politique ou programme
Fish Habitat Management Policy.
Proposition législative
Food and Drugs Act
Proposition législative
Hazardous Produts Act
Politique ou programme
Introduction of policies applying the principles of Ecological Fiscal Reform.
Metal Mining Effluent Regulations under the Fisheries Act.
Politique ou programme
National Ambient Air Quality Objectives.
Politique ou programme
National Aquatic Animal Health Program.
Politique ou programme
National Water Strategy
Politique ou programme
Oceans to Plate Strategy
Politique ou programme
Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area Planning Process Implementation
Politique ou programme
Policies Respecting Child Health and the Environment
Proposition législative
Proposal for the introduction of a "National Sustainability Act".
Politique ou programme
Proposal for the introduction of a "National Sustainability Strategy".
Pulp Mill and Pulp and Paper Mill Liquid Effluent Control Regulations under the Fisheries Act.
Regulations respecting vehicle fuel efficiency.
Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.
Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
Regulations under the Hazardous Products Act
Regulations under the Navigable Waters Protection Act.
Regulations under the Oceans Act.
Regulations under the Pest Control Products Act.
Regulations under the Pesticides Control Act.
Regulations under the Species At Risk Act.
Regulatory Framework for Air Emissions
Politique ou programme
Seafood Certification Policy
Politique ou programme
Security and Prosperity Partnership
Projet de loi ou résolution
The Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act