Lobbying Information
Subject Matters
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Agriculture
- Arts and Culture
- Broadcasting
- Constitutional Issues
- Consumer Issues
- Education
- Employment and Training
- Environment
- Health
- Housing
- Immigration
- International Development
- International Relations
- Justice and Law Enforcement
- Mining
- Religion
- Science and Technology
- Taxation and Finance
- Telecommunications
Subject Matter Details
Policies or Program
- ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to first nations housing, poverty, faith,the June 2008 apology and other aboriginal concerns.
- ABORTION / FETAL RIGHTS: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to fetal rights.
- ABUSE: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to protection of vulnerable groups in society.
- ADOPTION / FOSTERING OF CHILDREN: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to adoption & fostering, impacting those seeking to adopt / foster, children needing to be adopted / fostered, and parents of adopted / fostered children.
- AGE OF CONSENT TO SEXUAL ACTIVITY - Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to the protection of children from exploitive sexual relationships with adults.
- ASSISTED HUMAN REPRODUCTION: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to reproductive technologies and human genetic experimentation and procedures.
- DEFINITION OF HUMAN BEING: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to the definition of a Human Being.
- EUTHANASIA / ASSISTED SUICIDE: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to prevent the legalization of euthanasia and/or assisted suicide.
- GENDER IDENTITY / GENDER EXPRESSION: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to gender identity and expression.
- GLOBAL POVERTY: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to the alleviation and prevention poverty worldwide.
- HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to preventing, prosecuting and addressing the trafficking of persons.
- MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to the sanctity of marriage and family.
- MEDIA REGULATION: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to broadcasting regulations of religious productions.
- PORNOGRAPHY: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to preventing the use, proliferation and distribution of pornography, particularly child pornography.
- POVERTY AND HOMELESSNESS: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to the alleviation, prevention and alleviation of domestic poverty and homelessness.
- PROSTITUTION: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to prostitution (legal considerations, societal impact, victim impact)
- REFUGEES: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to offering sanctuary to victims of human rights abuses around the world.
- RELIGIOUS LIBERTY / FREEDOM IN CANADA: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to religious freedom issues in Canada.
- RELIGIOUS LIBERTY / FREEDOM INTERNATIONALLY: Seeking to influence government policy and action to address the persecution of Christians outside of Canada.
- WELL-BEING OF CHILDREN: Seeking to influence government policy as it relates to the well-being of children.
Communication Techniques
Written communication
Oral communication
Grass-roots communication
communication to members
Government Institutions
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Environment Canada
Finance Canada (FIN)
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC)
House of Commons
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC)
Justice Canada (JC)
Members of the House of Commons
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC)
Public Safety Canada (PS)
Revenue Canada (RC)
Senate of Canada
Statistics Canada (StatCan)
Government institutions added through a monthly communication report
- Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
In-house Organization Details
Description of the organization's activities
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada is a national association of protestant evangelicals that purposes to encourage, co-ordinate and faciliate the advancement, teaching, demonstration and implementation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by studying and promoting the application of an evangelical understanding of biblical principles to life and society, to communicate an understanding by evangelicals concerning the relevancy of faith to mattes of social responsibility, to promote respect for religious liberty for all. to reseach, to provide information.
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration
Organization's membership or classes of membership
The affiliates of EFC include denominations, ministry organizations, institutions of higher learning and churches.
Government funding
No government funding was received during the last completed financial year.
In-house Organization Contact Information
MIP Box 3745
Markham, ON L3R 0Y4
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Lobbyists Details
Employees who lobby for the organization
Policy Analyst, Canadian and International Poverty Coordinator, StreetLevel: The National Roundtable |
No public offices held
No public offices held
Director, Research and Media Relations |
No public offices held
General Legal Counsel |
No public offices held
Coordinator, Public Policy Initiatives, Religious Liberty Commission |
No public offices held
Legal Counsel |
No public offices held