The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is a national, voluntary association of physicians that advocates on behalf of its members and the public for access to high-quality health care. The CMA also provides leadership and guidance to physicians. The CMA was formed in Quebec City in 1867, just three months after the birth of Canada. It was created by 164 physicians who recognized the need for a national medical body. They selected Sir Charles Tupper, who would later serve as Canada's prime minister, as the first president. Today the CMA has more than 85,000 members, and advocates on behalf of both members and their patients — on Parliament Hill, during federal election campaigns and in the media. The CMA also takes the lead on public health issues. CMA’s Mission: Helping physicians care for patients. CMA’s Vision: The CMA will be the leader in engaging and serving physicians, and the national voice for the highest standards for health and health care.
Timothy Smith, Chief Executive Officer
1410 Blair Towers Place
Suite 500
Ottawa, ON K1J 9B9
Telephone number: