Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Budget, Economic Development, Employment and Training, Financial Institutions, Health, Housing, Industry, Infrastructure, Labour, Pensions
Change bankruptcy laws to protect workers’ pensions and benefits.
Policies or Program
Budget, Child Services, Constitutional Issues, Economic Development, Employment and Training, Federal-Provincial Relations, Health, Immigration, Industry, Infrastructure, International Development, Labour, Municipalities, Regional Development, Research and Development, Science and Technology
Curtail privatization of public services, such as health care.
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Budget, Consumer Issues, Economic Development, Employment and Training, Energy, Environment, Federal-Provincial Relations, Financial Institutions, Fisheries, Foreign Affairs, Forestry, Government Procurement, Health, Industry, Infrastructure, Internal Trade, International Development, International Relations, International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Media, Mining, Municipalities, National Security/Security, Natural Resources, Pensions, Regional Development, Research and Development, Science and Technology, Small Business, Taxation and Finance, Telecommunications, Tourism, Transportation
Discuss countermeasures to the U.S. tariffs on Canadian goods
Policies or Program, Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Regulation, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Budget, Constitutional Issues, Consumer Issues, Economic Development, Education, Federal-Provincial Relations, Health, Labour, Research and Development, Science and Technology
Enact Pharmacare and ensure that it is publicly funded and publicly administered for all Canadians.
Policies or Program
Budget, Climate, Constitutional Issues, Economic Development, Education, Employment and Training, Foreign Affairs, Health, Industry, International Development, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Mining, National Security/Security, Pensions, Research and Development, Transportation
Ensure justice and human rights for workers and citizens impacted by Canadian extractive companies operating abroad.
Budget, Economic Development, Employment and Training, Federal-Provincial Relations, Forestry, Health, Industry, Labour, Mining, Pensions, Telecommunications, Transportation
Ensure pension security for federally-regulated workers.
Agriculture, Budget, Climate, Economic Development, Employment and Training, Energy, Environment, Forestry, Government Procurement, Industry, Infrastructure, Internal Trade, International Development, International Relations, International Trade, Labour, Mining, Municipalities, Natural Resources, Regional Development, Research and Development, Science and Technology
Ensure that government procurement rules focus on Canadian materials – e.g. wood; steel.
Policies or Program
Budget, Climate, Constitutional Issues, Employment and Training, Energy, Environment, Forestry, Industry, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Mining, Pensions, Telecommunications
Ensure the right for unions to launch trade complaints to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal; ensure public benefits for workers (e.g. EI, CPP, etc.)
Policies or Program
Budget, Education, Employment and Training, Energy, Federal-Provincial Relations, Forestry, Health, Industry, Infrastructure, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Mining, Municipalities, National Security/Security, Regional Development, Research and Development, Telecommunications, Transportation
Provide effective training for federal law enforcement to uphold 2004 Criminal Code amendments (Westray Law).
Bilingualism/Official Languages, Budget, Child Services, Economic Development, Education, Employment and Training, Energy, Environment, Federal-Provincial Relations, Foreign Affairs, Forestry, Health, Housing, Immigration, Industry, Infrastructure, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Mining, Municipalities, Pensions, Regional Development, Research and Development, Telecommunications, Transportation
Strengthen rights to citizenship for groups such as temporary foreign workers.
Policies or Program
Promote the political, economic and social interests of its members and working people in general. Engage in the political process to effect legislative change and to voice the views of the union to elected officials at all levels of government.
800-234 Eglinton Avenue East
Toronto, ON M4P 1K7
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