Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Budget, Economic Development, Industry, Small Business, Taxation and Finance
Carbon Rebate for Small Business - Ensuring that co-operatives and credit unions are qualify, as they are currently excluded.
Policies or Program
Budget, Government Procurement
Discuss the pro-active inclusion of co-operatives and social enterprises, in the procurement process. CMC would like co-operatives to be both eligible and prioritized in government procurement programs.
Policies or Program
Economic Development, Employment and Training, Regional Development, Small Business
Educating Parliamentarians, staffers and public servants on the co-operative model, the advantages and challenges faced by co-ops. Lack of awareness causes oversight and issues in programs and policies, when co-operatives should have access to the Business support and other programs offered by, or supported by, the government.
Policies or Program
Economic Development, Regional Development, Small Business
Ensuring increased support to co-operatives and social enterprises, as underserved business models, by the BDC. As per the recent Legislative Review, co-operatives are significantly underserved by the BDC.
Policies or Program
Budget, Economic Development, Regional Development, Research and Development, Small Business
Establishing a Canadian Co-operative Capacity Building Program (CCBP) equipped with federal funding to help co-operatives either start up, scale up, gain skills and expertise, and or prepare for their next steps.
Policies or Program, Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
Budget, Economic Development, Regional Development, Taxation and Finance
Establishing a Federal Co-operative Investment Plan, inspired by the one in Quebec.
Budget, Small Business, Taxation and Finance
Harmonizing tax rules and incentives related to Employee-Ownership Trusts, to ensure that business succession (conversions) to employee-owned worker co-operatives are eligible.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Budget, Economic Development, Regional Development, Small Business
Investments in co-operative-led programs to provide bridges to employment, support entrepreneurship, safeguard local businesses, create jobs and make life more affordable for Canadians, in particular women, newcomers, Indigenous people, youth, and Canadians living in rural communities.
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Policies or Program
Budget, Economic Development, Regional Development, Small Business, Taxation and Finance
Promoting Business Conversions to Co-operatives as a means of safeguarding jobs and economic drivers in communities
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Policies or Program
Taxation and Finance
Review and propose changes to the Income Tax Act, in terms of the treatment of Indivisible Reserves in co-operatives. Amounts earmarked for Indivisible resserves cannot return to members and as such those amounts are thus outside the governments' definition of "for-profit",
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Budget, Economic Development, Industry, Regional Development
Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy. Advocating for renewal of commitments related to the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy, such as the Investment Readiness Program and SISF-related funding for co-operatives.
Policies or Program, Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
Budget, Small Business
Support or investment in the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund which provides patient capital and lending to finance the capitalization of new and emerging co-operatives. The fund exists and was set up with $25 million from the co-operative sector.
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
Small Business, Taxation and Finance
To expand the definitions and exemption criteria so that all qualifying co-operatives can remain eligible for the Small Business Deduction (SBD).
Policies or Program
Agriculture, Budget, Taxation and Finance
To promote the renewal of the Tax-deferred Co-operative Share Program to help agricultural co-operatives meet their capitalization needs and remain a viable option for agribusinesses while allowing Canadian co-operatives to be stronger in the face of international competitors.
Policies or Program
Consumer Issues, Economic Development, Regional Development, Taxation and Finance
To review and propose possible changes to the Canadian Co-operative Act
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) is the national apex organization for Canadian co-operatives and mutuals. Our member-focused association unites, engages and leads the co-operative movement by advancing its priorities nationally, as well as internationally through the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). Our goals are to build bridges, break barriers and create durable opportunities for the co-operative sector in Canada.
Daniel Brunette, Senior Director, External Affairs
End date of the last completed financial year: 2024-03-31
Government Institution | Funding Received in Last Financial Year | Funding Expected in Current Financial Year |
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) | $8,395.00 | Yes |
123 Slater, Suite 610
Ottawa, ON K1P 5H2
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