Les Mines Agnico Eagle ltee / Agnico Eagle Mines Limited / Ammar Al-Joundi,
President and Chief Executive Officer
Données d'enregistrement
Nom de l'entreprise :
Les Mines Agnico Eagle ltee / Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
Nom de l'agent responsable :
Ammar Al-Joundi,
President and Chief Executive Officer Historique des changements d'agents responsables
Date de début de l'enregistrement initial :
État de l'enregistrement :
Numéro de l'enregistrement :
Engagement with government officials related to COVID-19, including economic responses, disruptions to business, health & safety actions and requirements, and opportunities to help with the COVID-19 pandemic effort.
To engage and raise awareness with government officials and departments on the need for clean energy infrastructure development in the Kivalliq and Kitikmeot regions of Nunavut. Energy alternatives will significantly reduce the need to rely 100% on diesel generation as the only source of energy in these areas, significantly reducing GHG emissions and improving economic development opportunity for communities and industry.
To raise awareness with government officials and departments on the need for major infrastructure investment in the Arctic, including high speed internet infrastructure in Nunavut to support industry and community needs and enhance opportunities and economic linkages.
To raise awareness with government officials with respect to the Company's development plans for mining projects in Ontario and Quebec, including employment and training, opportunities and benefits for Indigenous peoples and local communities, and the Company’s consultation and environmental management programs.
To raise awareness with government officials with respect to the Company's development plans for new mining projects in Nunavut, including employment and training, opportunities and benefits for Inuit people and communities, the Company’s consultation and environmental management programs, and additional environmental sustainability opportunities in line with government and Inuit priorities and policies.
Techniques de communication
Communication écrite
Communication orale
Appel au grand public
Institutions gouvernementales
Affaires mondiales Canada (AMC)
Agence canadienne de développement économique du Nord (CanNor)
Agence d'évaluation d'impact du Canada (AEIC)
Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC)
Banque de l'infrastructure du Canada
Bureau du Conseil privé (BCP)
Cabinet du Premier ministre (CPM)
Chambre des communes
Défense nationale (MDN)
Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC)
Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC)
Finances Canada (FIN)
Infrastructure Canada (INFC)
Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada (ISDE)
Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO)
Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada (RCAANC)
Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan)
Sénat du Canada
Transports Canada (TC)
Détails sur l'entreprise
Description des activités
Agnico Eagle is a senior Canadian gold mining company, producing precious metals from operations in Canada, Australia, Finland and Mexico. It has a pipeline of high-quality exploration and development projects in these countries as well as in the United States and Colombia. The company was founded in 1957.
Nom et poste de l'agent responsable pendant la période de cet enregistrement
Ammar Al-Joundi,
President and Chief Executive Officer
Financement public
Date de la fin du dernier exercice financier complet :
Liste du financement public
Institution gouvernementale
Financement reçu au cours du dernier exercice financier
Financement attendu pendant l'exercice financier en cours
Government of Ontario
1 671 537,00 $
Government of Quebec
6 442 334,00 $
Coordonnées de l'entreprise
Adresse :
145 King Street East
Toronto, ON m5c 2y7
Numéro de téléphone :
Numéro de fax :
Renseignements sur la société mère
Les Mines Agnico Eagle ltee / Agnico Eagle Mines Limited n'est pas une filiale d'une société mère.
Renseignements sur la filiale bénéficiaire
Les Mines Agnico Eagle ltee / Agnico Eagle Mines Limited ne possède aucune filiale qui pourrait être directement intéressée au résultat de l'engagement
Détails sur les lobbyistes
Cadres dirigeants dont les activités de lobbying représentent moins de 20 % de leurs fonctions.