MakeWay Charitable Society / Joanna Kerr,
CEO & President
Données d'enregistrement
Nom de l'organisation :
MakeWay Charitable Society Noms d'organisations précédents
Nom de l'agent responsable :
Joanna Kerr,
CEO & President Historique des changements d'agents responsables
Date de début de l'enregistrement initial :
État de l'enregistrement :
Numéro de l'enregistrement :
Objets ajoutés par l'intermédiaire d'un rapport mensuel de communication
Détails sur l'objet
Politique ou Programme
-Updating Canada’s Federal Water Policy of 1987 to better support how fresh water is governed and how the health of Canada’s freshwater ecosystems can be improved.
-The benefits of updating the Canada Water Actof 1970 to support freshwater health across Canadaand the federal government’s role in supporting healthy fresh water across the country.
-Including priorities identified by the Our Living Waters Network in the formation of the Canada Water Agency-which is referred to in the mandate letter issued to the Minister of Environment and
Climate Change Canadaby the Prime Minister.
Advocating establishment of a Canada Water Agency
Discussing engaging pension fund beneficiaries and supporting pension fund managers to be a part of the transition to a low-carbon economy to achieve the inextricably linked goals of pension wealth and planet health. Sharing research and discussing new laws and programs that various states and governments have been passing related to this area.
Enhance federal policy on climate-related financial disclosure and action.
Federal budget commitments to match the Province of BC's $27million investment in watersheds as part of their economic recovery plan and a Federal government investment in a BC Watershed Security Fund.
Infrastructure investment to improve water quality; Offer feedback and ideas on how infrastructure investment could improve water quality
Nature-based solutions to build back better: 1) Renewing Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Funding program and reserving 25% of funding for "Green Infrastructure" projects, and 2) Instituting a new dedicated Natural Infrastructure Fund that would invest $500 million over the next five years the development, implementation and evaluation of natural infrastructure projects across the country.
Pan Canadian national water quality strategy; Explore concept and how to set up pan Canadian water strategy
Policies related to the integration of water health into food and agricultural policy, including but not limited to the development of a new Food Policy Framework for Canada.
Policies related to the reduction of phosphorous in Canadian lakes, including but not limited to the Lake Erie Phosphorus Reduction Plan.
o Discussing financial investment by the federal government through economic stimulus in watershed projects in British Columbia as opportunity for economic recovery and employment generation
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Règlement
COVID-19 blue-green economic recovery: advocating for COVID-19 responses that promotes natural infrastructure and water stimulus. Advocating for a recovery plan that retains or enhances existing environmental laws. Advocating for stimulus funding that enhances environmental conservation, with additional benefits to human well being.
Canada Water Act: Exploring potential for renewal of legislation to strengthen federal role in fresh water management.
Fisheries Act: Seeking strengthening of habitat protections, incorporation of sustainability principles, and legal obligations to rebuild depleted fish stocks.
Navigation Protection Act - Process for restoring lost protection and incorporate modern safeguards to the Navigation Protection Act, and to any related regulation and policy, in accordance with Mandate Letter issued to the Minister of Transportation.
Navigation Protection Act: Seeking a return to protections for all navigable waters.
Process for restoring lost protection and incorporate modern safeguards to the Fisheries Act, and to any related regulation and policy, in accordance with Mandate Letter issued to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.
Politique ou Programme, Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Funding and administration of food and food security interventions for First Nation's and other Indigenous organizations in Ontario, such as the Local Food Infrastructure Fund.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Amending the Canada Water Act to reflect contemporary environmental concerns
Amendments to the Competition Act, the CEPA or Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, and the Copyright Act with respect to the access and affordability of repair parts, tools, and services and how a consumer could be informed further on the reparability and sustainability of consumer goods
Reforms to the Export Development Act to prohibit Export Development Canada from providing support to the oil and gas sector.
Strengthening Bill C-12 - Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act to ensure strong climate-related financial disclosure for federal agencies and crown corporations.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Règlement
Advocate for reforms to the charity sector through changes to the Income Tax Act and CRA regulations
Draft regulatory guidance on novel foods & draft guidance on which plants are subject to Part 5 of the Seeds Regulations
Health Canada's development of new regulatory guidance on novel foods and "Consultation: Proposed new guidance for Novel Food Regulations focused on plant breeding" regarding safety assessments for genetically engineered foods
Participation in consultations on OSFI’s discussion paper Navigating Uncertainty in Climate Change: Promoting Preparedness and Resilience to Climate-Related Risks in formal written submissions, including follow-up with OSFI to clarify and strengthen resulting federally regulated financial institutions.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
-Seeking funding opportunities for The Existence Project – Community based workshops connecting community through storytelling
-Communications with MPs regarding the status of 2019 Canada Summer Jobs funding applications
Connected Communities Work: A Model for Poverty Reduction and Community Development. Seeking to include support Connected Communities Work in federal infrastructure budget.
Funding application to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada under the Call for Proposals 2019: Settlement and Resettlement Assistance Program.
Techniques de communication
Communication écrite
Communication orale
Appel au grand public
Institutions gouvernementales
Affaires mondiales Canada (AMC)
Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments (ACIA)
Agence canadienne de développement économique du Nord (CanNor)
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC)
Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières Canada (BSIF)
Cabinet du Premier ministre (CPM)
Chambre des communes
Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC)
Exportation et développement Canada (EDC)
Finances Canada (FIN)
Infrastructure Canada (INFC)
Office d'investissement du régime de pensions du Canada
Parcs Canada (PC)
Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO)
Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada (RCAANC)
Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan)
Santé Canada (SC)
Sénat du Canada
Services aux Autochtones Canada (SAC)
Société canadienne des postes (SCP)
Transports Canada (TC)
Institutions gouvernementales ajoutées par l'intermédiaire d'un rapport mensuel de communication
Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC)
Patrimoine canadien (PCH)
Détails sur l'organisation
Description des activités de l'organisation
MakeWay Charitable Society's mission is to provide uncommon solutions for the common good by helping Canadians secure a healthy environment in ways that promote social equity and economic prosperity. We advance our mission by creating opportunities to pool ideas and resources to solve complex environmental and social problems; and by connecting and empowering a wide range of people and initiatives across the country to take on tough social and environmental challenges.
Nom et poste de l'agent responsable pendant la période de cet enregistrement
Joanna Kerr,
CEO & President
Membres ou types de membres de l'organisation.
Membership of MakeWay Charitable Society consists of its Board members.
Financement public
Date de la fin du dernier exercice financier complet :
Liste du financement public
Institution gouvernementale
Financement reçu au cours du dernier exercice financier
Financement attendu pendant l'exercice financier en cours
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC)
16 000,00 $
BC Housing
30 000,00 $
BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
0,00 $
BC Ministry of Social Development & Poverty Reduction
60 986,00 $
BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture
0,00 $
BC Provincial Employees Community Services Fund
521,00 $
Bowen Island Municipality
1 742,00 $
Cape Breton University
300,00 $
City of Toronto
368 315,00 $
City of Vancouver
100 500,00 $
City of Victoria
7 500,00 $
City of Yellowknife
9 750,00 $
Conseil des Arts du Canada
56 417,00 $
Dalhousie University
200,00 $
District of Squamish
5 000,00 $
District of West Vancouver
9 342,00 $
Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC)
180 033,00 $
Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC)
79 632,00 $
First Nations Health Authority
0,00 $
Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)
0,00 $
Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada (ISDE)
704 201,50 $
Inuvik Community Corporation
0,00 $
Manitoba Conservation and Climate
100 000,00 $
Metro Vancouver
16 000,00 $
NWT Arts Council
21 500,00 $
NWT Department of Education, Culture, and Employment
44 393,00 $
NWT Department of Health and Social Services
97 500,00 $
NWT Department of Industry, Tourism, and Investment
5 600,00 $
NWT Department of Municipal and Community Affairs
93 263,00 $
ON Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
3 951,00 $
ON Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
49 398,00 $
ON Ministry of Education
0,00 $
ON Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
541 005,00 $
ON Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility
0,00 $
Ontario Trillium Foundation
410 800,00 $
Patrimoine canadien (PCH)
66 500,00 $
Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO)
180 629,95 $
Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia
177 000,00 $
Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada (RCAANC)
115 000,00 $
Saint Paul University
0,00 $
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada (SCT)
25,00 $
Services aux Autochtones Canada (SAC)
194 214,00 $
Squamish Nation
0,00 $
Sunshine Coast Regional District
1 000,00 $
Thorneloe University at Laurentian
150,00 $
Tlicho Government
0,00 $
Town of Gibsons
1 000,00 $
University of Toronto
0,00 $
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
50,00 $
Vancouver Convention Centre
511,00 $
Village of Lions Bay
612,00 $
Coordonnées de l'organisation
Adresse :
400-163 W Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 1H5
Numéro de téléphone :
Détails sur les lobbyistes
Employés qui font du lobbying pour l'organisation
Zita Botelho,
Program Director |
Aucune charge publique occupée
Alex Boulet,
Project Co-Director |
Aucune charge publique occupée
Marko Curuvija,
Project Director, The Existence Project |
Aucune charge publique occupée
Patrick DeRochie,
Engagement Manager |
Aucune charge publique occupée
Anne Gloger,
Principal |
Aucune charge publique occupée
Karen Hamilton,
Program Officer |
Aucune charge publique occupée
Alice Henry,
Program Manager |
Aucune charge publique occupée
Joanna Kerr,
CEO & President |
Aucune charge publique occupée