Lobbying Information
Subject Matters
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Agriculture
- Arts and Culture
- Budget
- Constitutional Issues
- Economic Development
- Education
- Employment and Training
- Environment
- Health
- Housing
- Infrastructure
- Justice and Law Enforcement
Subject Matter Details
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
- Culturally appropriate infrastructure with respect to purchase and renovation of a workplace appropriate for Indigenous persons.
- Funding for increased organizational capacity (core funding) from the Basic Organization Funding Capacity contribution program.
- Funding for increased staff capacity for NWAC from the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (CIRNA/ Indigenous Services) and the Partnerships Initiative Program (ESDC).
- Seek funding from undetermined sources related to Indigenous women's employment, financial health and wellness, housing security, food security, resilience and safety, justice and human rights, health, environmental issues, public safety and emergency management, language and culture, and community engagement.
- Seek funding from undetermined sources to support victims of violence against women with respect to murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- Reconciliation with respect to discrimination under the Indian Act.
Policies or Program
- Arrange meetings with the federal government to solidify the relationship between federal government and NWAC.
- Corrections Canada with respect to segregation of Indigenous women.
Communication Techniques
Written communication
Oral communication
Government Institutions
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Canada School of Public Service (CSPS)
Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev)
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Health Canada (HC)
House of Commons
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)
Infrastructure Canada (INFC)
Justice Canada (JC)
Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Office of the Federal Housing Advocate
Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (OSGG)
Privy Council Office (PCO)
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Public Safety Canada (PS)
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Senate of Canada
Shared Services Canada (SSC)
Transport Canada (TC)
Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
Women and Gender Equality (WAGE)
In-house Organization Details
Description of the organization's activities
NWAC organizes and supports activities that enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women within First Nation, Métis and Canadian societies. Activities include conducting research and investigations, promoting public awareness, facilitating consultations with Indigenous peoples and organizing and supporting programs at the grass-roots and national level.
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration
Lynne Groulx,
Chief Executive Officer
Organization's membership or classes of membership
NWAC has one membership class which is made of of the representatives of thirteen Native women’s organizations from across Canada.
Government funding
End date of the last completed financial year:
List of Government Funding
Government Institution
Funding Received in Last Financial Year
Funding Expected in Current Financial Year
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
Elections Canada
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Health Canada (HC)
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC)
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Justice Canada (JC)
National Defence (DND)
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Women and Gender Equality (WAGE)
In-house Organization Contact Information
1688 Sunview Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 7M8
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Lobbyists Details
Employees who lobby for the organization
- Lynne Groulx,
Executive Director |
Public offices held
- Jason Harley,
Senior Policy Advisor |
No public offices held
- Carol McBride,
President |
No public offices held
- Lisa Smith,
Senior Director of Governance, International and Parliamentary Relations |
Public offices held