Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Agriculture, Industrie, Recherche et développement
Policies related to the food and beverage processing sector including: funding for industry research and development, implementation of Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Budget, Industrie
Measures in annual federal budget to support food and beverage processing, including implementation of Agri-food Economic Strategy Table Report.
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Emploi et formation, Immigration
Facilitating the entry into Canada of technicians required to maintain critical infrastructure
Politique ou Programme
Grocery Code of Conduct: Advocating for a mandatory and enforceable Grocery Code of Conduct for the food industry.
Politique ou Programme
Santé, Industrie
Health: Policies and regulations related to food and beverage products including the federal government's Health Eating Strategy, Front of Pack labelling regulations, Marketing to Children regulations, modifications to the Food Guide, modifications the Food and Drugs Regulations.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Emploi et formation, Immigration, Travail
Immigration: Enhancements to the Temporary Foreign Workers program and pathways to permanency for food and beverage processing labour.
Développement économique, Industrie
Industry: The adoption of innovation in the food and beverage sector in the context of the Strategic Innovation Fund.
Politique ou Programme
Industrie, Commerce international
International Trade: The provisions of the text of the USMCA as they relate to agriculture and agri-food, including tariff schedules, Tariff Rate Quotas, regulatory cooperation and measures related to non-tariff barriers.
Tariff and non-tariff barriers with the United States.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Politique ou Programme
Refugees - requesting resettlement programs for refugees
Politique ou Programme
Développement économique, Industrie, Sciences et technologies
Science and Technology: ISED policies and programs to promote innovation and technology adoption in the food and beverage processing sector
Politique ou Programme
Industrie, Sciences et technologies
Science and Technology: Polices and programs to develop, maintain and adapt cybersecurity within the food and beverage processing sector
Politique ou Programme
Support for the housing needs of temporary foreign workers and new Canadians.
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Emploi et formation, Immigration, Travail
Temporary Foreign Worker Program - with respect to amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, and the access of food and beverage manufacturers to various elements within the program.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Climat, Environnement, Industrie
The pollution prevention (P2) planning notice for primary food plastic packaging, with respect to its impact on food and beverage manufacturers.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
FBC-ABC is a national association uniting over 1,500 food and beverage processing businesses across Canada. FBC-ABC's objectives are to: a) Promote coordination, cooperation and enhanced program/service delivery among national and provincial food processing associations; b) Leverage the political strength of the food-processing sector by bringing together associations which collectively represent a substantial number of food and beverage processing companies in Canada; c) Foster industry-wide communication leading to more effective industry association action on behalf of Members; and d) Do all such additional things as are incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing.
Kristina Proulx, Chief Executive Officer
Adresse :
942 Meteor Avenue
Navan, ON K4B 1N9
Numéro de téléphone :