Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Arts and Culture, Broadcasting, Consumer Issues, Employment and Training, Immigration, Industry, Infrastructure, Internal Trade, International Trade, Science and Technology, Telecommunications
Accelerating processing times for labour market opinions and work permits for Temporary Foreign Workers in the IT & gaming industries.
Policies or Program
Arts and Culture, Employment and Training, Immigration, Internal Trade, International Trade, Labour, Privacy and Access to Information, Science and Technology, Taxation and Finance
Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement ("CETA") with respect to market access for digital products and services, labour mobility for IT and game industry workers, intellectual property protection, investor protection, foreign investment, cultural goods protection and international harmonization of regulations
Policies or Program
Privacy and Access to Information, Science and Technology, Telecommunications
Innovation Strategy with respect to its development and implementation with respect to the Canadian software industry
Policies or Program
Arts and Culture, Broadcasting, Privacy and Access to Information, Science and Technology
Monitor developments in Canadian Heritage's Creative Canada policy relating to video games
Policies or Program
Arts and Culture, Intellectual Property, Internal Trade, International Trade, Labour, Privacy and Access to Information, Science and Technology, Telecommunications
Monitor developments regarding NAFTA re-negotiations with respect to market access for digital products and services, labour mobility for IT and game industry workers, intellectual property protection, investor protection, foreign investment, cultural goods protection and harmonization of regulations
Policies or Program
Intellectual Property, Justice and Law Enforcement, Privacy and Access to Information
Propose legislation to amend the Copyright Act, the Trade-marks Act, the Customs Act, the Criminal Code, and the Proceeds of Crime Act, for the purpose of increasing enforcement and penalties for intellectual property offences and piracy.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Consumer Issues, Science and Technology, Taxation and Finance
Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit and other tax changes that may affect digital products and services, Canadian business online, the entertainment software industry, and development, sale and distribution of entertainment software in Canada.
Policies or Program
Employment and Training, Labour, Science and Technology, Telecommunications
Skills development initiatives and services for youth as they relate to developing skills needed by IT and gaming industries.
Policies or Program
Arts and Culture, Internal Trade, International Trade
Trade classification of on-line video game services under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).
Policies or Program
Arts and Culture, Intellectual Property, Internal Trade, International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Privacy and Access to Information, Science and Technology
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement ("TPP") with respect to market access for digital products and services, labour mobility for IT and game industry workers, intellectual property protection, investor protection, foreign investment, cultural goods protection and harmonization of regulations
Policies or Program
130 Spadina Avenue, Suite 408
Toronto, ON M5V 2L4
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Jayson Hilchie, President and CEO
Entertainment Software Association of Canada / Association Canadienne du Logiciel de Divertissement is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.
Entertainment Software Association of Canada / Association Canadienne du Logiciel de Divertissement is not a coalition.
The activities of Entertainment Software Association of Canada / Association Canadienne du Logiciel de Divertissement are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Entertainment Software Association of Canada / Association Canadienne du Logiciel de Divertissement does not have any subsidiaries that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the undertaking
Caitlin Drouillard | No public offices held
Firm: Temple Scott Associates