Lobbying Information
Subject Matters
- Budget
- Climate
- Consumer Issues
- Economic Development
- Employment and Training
- Energy
- Environment
- Federal-Provincial Relations
- Financial Institutions
- Government Procurement
- Housing
- Immigration
- Labour
- Municipalities
- Regional Development
- Small Business
- Taxation and Finance
Subject Matter Details
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- Providing feedback and recommendations to Bill C-56, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Competition Act, as it relates to property owners, landlords and tenants.
Policies or Program
- Engaging with government on policy related to housing, housing affordability, rental markets, and rental availability including economic impacts, tax policy and infrastructure.
Communication Techniques
Written communication
Oral communication
The lobbyist has arranged or expects to arrange one or more meetings on behalf of the client between a public office holder and any other person in the course of this undertaking.
Government Institutions
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Canada Development Investment Corporation (CDEV)
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
Canada Infrastructure Bank
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor)
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev)
Finance Canada (FIN)
House of Commons
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Infrastructure Canada (INFC)
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Intergovernmental Affairs Secretariat (IGA)
Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan)
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
Rural Economic Development (Minister’s Office)
Senate of Canada
Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
Client Details
Government funding
No government funding was received during the last completed financial year.
Client Contact Information
20 Upjohn Road
Toronto, ON M3B 2V9
Telephone number:
Web address:
Client representative
Tony Irwin, President
Parent Company Information
Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de propriétaires immobiliers is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.
Coalition Members Information
Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de propriétaires immobiliers is not a coalition.
Individual, organization or corporation with a Direct Interest Beneficiary Information
The activities of Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de propriétaires immobiliers are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Subsidiary Beneficiary Information
Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de propriétaires immobiliers does not have any subsidiaries that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the undertaking
Lobbyist Details
Frank Parker
Designated public offices held
Business address:
2500 - 639 5th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 0M9
Telephone number:
Consultant Firm and Address
Crestview Strategy Inc.
1840 - 335 8 Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 5C5
Telephone number: