Lobbying Information
Subject Matters
- Arts and Culture
- Broadcasting
- Consumer Issues
- Economic Development
- Industry
- Intellectual Property
- Internal Trade
- Justice and Law Enforcement
- Labour
- Science and Technology
- Small Business
- Telecommunications
Subject Matter Details
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- Amendments to the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (in Bill C-27) to ensure that creators and their works are protected in the digital environment.
- Amendments to the Broadcasting Act - to ensure that the Broadcasting Act protects and supports Canadian music creators and their works in the digital environment.
- Amendments to the Copyright Act - To bring the Copyright Act in line with advances in technology and current international standards and provide fair and predictable rules for copyright in the digital environment.
- Enforcement and Amendment of the Customs Act - Seeking amendment and adequate enforcement of provisions of the Customs Act to ensure that intellectual property rights holders are protected against counterfeiting and piracy and trade in counterfeiting or pirated goods.
- Regulations pursuant to the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (Bill C-27) to ensure that creators and their works are protected in the digital environment.
- Regulations pursuant to the Broadcasting Act - Ensuring that CRTC regulations that affect the Canadian recording industry appropriately promote Canadian artists and creative industries.
Regulations pursuant to the Copyright Board of Canada.
- Regulations pursuant to the Copyright Board of Canada.
Communication Techniques
Written communication
Oral communication
The lobbyist has arranged or expects to arrange one or more meetings on behalf of the client between a public office holder and any other person in the course of this undertaking.
Government Institutions
Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Finance Canada (FIN)
Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
House of Commons
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Justice Canada (JC)
Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
Privy Council Office (PCO)
Public Safety Canada (PS)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Senate of Canada
Women and Gender Equality (WAGE)
Client Details
Government funding
No government funding was received during the last completed financial year.
Client Contact Information
85 Mowat Avenue
Toronto, ON M6K 3E3
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Web address:
Client representative
Patrick Rogers, Chief Executive Officer
Parent Company Information
Music Canada is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.
Coalition Members Information
Music Canada is not a coalition.
Individual, organization or corporation with a Direct Interest Beneficiary Information
The activities of Music Canada are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Subsidiary Beneficiary Information
Music Canada does not have any subsidiaries that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the undertaking
Lobbyist Details
Lucas Borchenko
Public offices held
Business address:
1100-222 Queen Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5Z9
Telephone number:
Consultant Firm and Address
Crestview Strategy
1100-222 Queen Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5V9
Telephone number: