Total Number of Communication Reports: 0
Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 0
Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Aboriginal Affairs, Federal-Provincial Relations, Fisheries
Convey to the government the importance of collaboration and partnership between indigenous groups and the federal, and provincial governments regarding salmon farming.
Policies or Program
Aboriginal Affairs, Agriculture, Economic Development, Fisheries, International Trade
Promote the benefits of salmon farming, including increased investments, job creation, food security, exports, and economic reconciliation with First Nations.
Policies or Program
End date of the last completed financial year: 2023-03-31
Government Institution | Funding Received in Last Financial Year | Funding Expected in Current Financial Year |
Finance Canada (FIN) | $2,619,408.00 | Yes |
Zeballos, BC V0P 2A0
Telephone number:
Web address:
Simon John, Elected Chief
Ehattesaht First Nation is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.
Ehattesaht First Nation is not a coalition.
The activities of Ehattesaht First Nation are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Érika Dupuis | No public offices held
Firm: Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone