Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Labour, Pensions
Issues related to pensions and the implementation of equitable retirement after 25 years of service for Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) personnel.
This will involve discussions around amending:
Public Service Superannuation Act
Income Tax Act regulations
Public Service Superannuation Act regulations
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Regulation
Labour Program with respect to health and safety.
Policies or Program
Government Procurement, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour
We will be lobbying on the importance for Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the federal government to rely on the expertise of trained CBSA officers.
Policies or Program
The Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) is a labour union and a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). CIU represents and advocates on behalf of law enforcement and civilian personnel working at the Canada Border Services Agency, including: Border Services Officers, Investigation, Intelligence and Trade Customs Officers, Immigration Inland Enforcement and Hearings Officers, Program Officers, Targeting Officers, and Non-Uniformed personnel.
Mark Weber, National President
1741 Woodward Drive
Ottawa, ON K2C 0P9
Telephone number: