Total Number of Communication Reports: 0
Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 0
Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Environment, Municipalities, National Security/Security
Emergency preparedness and security measures: Emergency preparedness policies and programs with regard to the cost and implementation of emergency equipment and first responder support; Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund; Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA); Wildfire response; Flood mapping;
Policies or Program
Climate, Environment, Municipalities
Environmental and sustainable development policies and programs with regard to local climate change mitigation and adaptation; Disaster mitigation and adaptation; Capacity building for sustainable community planning; Greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions; Water management, watershed planning, wastewater, and stormwater policy; Urban forest management and stewardship; Brownfield redevelopment; National Adaptation Strategy; Greener Homes Grant; Green Building Strategy; Green Municipal Fund;
Policies or Program, Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
Infrastructure, Municipalities
Federal infrastructure program funding, including (but not limited to) infrastructure Canada Canada Community Building Fund; Infrastructure programs and funding; Permanent Public Transit Fund; Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) financing; Investing in Canada infrastructure Plan; Universal Broadband; Rural, remote and northern infrastructure;
Policies or Program
Housing, Immigration, Municipalities
Federal policies and programs with regard to improving accesses to affordable housing, reducing homelessness, increasing social infrastructure required for immigration and refugee settlement and integration support. Homelessness; Encampments; Affordable housing; Housing supply; Refugee and asylum seeker settlement; Housing Accelerator Fund; Reaching Home; Rapid Housing Initiative; Housing-enabling infrastructure;
Policies or Program
Municipalities, Transportation
Guidelines for urban transit, intra and extra urban transit systems: Infrastructure and Transportation policy with regard to the development of guidelines, policy and dedicated funding for urban, intra and extra urban transit systems; Intercommunity bus; Aerodromes and airports; Intra and extra urban transit systems; Municipal/railway proximity issues; Trade corridors; Shipping routes and sea ports;
Policies or Program
International Development
International municipal development; Canadian foreign policy with regard to Global Affairs Canada (GAC) funded programs overseas in various countries
Policies or Program
Aboriginal Affairs
Municipal-aboriginal relations issues: Federal policies and programs with regard to municipal-aboriginal relations, resources to meet the needs of the aboriginal population living in municipalities, municipal consultation and communication regarding land management and additions to reserve. Urban and Rural Indigenous Housing; Municipal-aboriginal relations
Policies or Program
Municipalities, Taxation and Finance
Municipal Finance and Intergovernmental Arrangements Revenue sharing with the federal and provincial governments: Federal policies and programs with regard to the payments in lieu of taxes (PILTs) system, intergovernmental partnerships, recognition of municipal governments contributions to economic growth, the fiscal imbalance between each order of governments revenues options and their responsibilities to provide services and programs to Canadians. Municipal Growth Framework.
Policies or Program
Health, Justice and Law Enforcement, Municipalities
National/contract policing; Community-based mental health and substance use care; Opioids and harm reduction; Auto thefts; Crime prevention through social development; Community corrections; Federal and municipal roles and responsibilities regarding policing duties and funding
Policies or Program
Internal Trade, International Trade, Municipalities
Rail, Airports and Ports: Federal policies and programs with regard to access to national and international markets for trade, intra-city movement of people and goods and sustainability of small and rural communities
Policies or Program
Infrastructure, Municipalities
Rural, remote and northern municipal issues: Federal policies and programs with regard to delivering infrastructure funding in rural, remote and northern communities, trade irritants effecting rural, remote and northern communities, the development and implementation of the northern strategy in the three territories and the development of a rural champion at the federal cabinet level.
Policies or Program
Infrastructure, Municipalities, Telecommunications
Telecommunications and Technology: Telecommunications policies with regard to universal broadband access throughout Canadian communities, antenna tower and municipal rights-of-ways.
Policies or Program
End date of the last completed financial year: 2023-03-31
Government Institution | Funding Received in Last Financial Year | Funding Expected in Current Financial Year |
Global Affairs Canada (GAC) | $10,065,000.00 | Yes |
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) | $176,600.00 | Yes |
Infrastructure Canada (INFC) | $22,862,600.00 | Yes |
Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) | $590,700.00 | Yes |
24 Clarence Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 5P3
Telephone number:
Web address:
Margot Cragg, Manager, Government Relations
Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Fédération Canadienne des Municipalitiés is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Fédération Canadienne des Municipalitiés is not a coalition.
The activities of Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Fédération Canadienne des Municipalitiés are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Fédération Canadienne des Municipalitiés does not have any subsidiaries that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the undertaking
Rob LeForte | No public offices held
Firm: First Lake Solutions