Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Budget, Climate, Economic Development, Environment, Housing, Industry, Infrastructure, Labour, Municipalities, Regional Development, Research and Development, Science and Technology, Taxation and Finance, Telecommunications, Transportation
Nokia Canada Inc. is exploring funding opportunities to expand its research and development footprint, talent pool, and supporting mixed-use housing in Canada.
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
End date of the last completed financial year: 2024-12-31
Government Institution | Funding Received in Last Financial Year | Funding Expected in Current Financial Year |
Government of Ontario | $2,482,800.00 | Yes |
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) | $3,532,262.00 | Yes |
600 March Road
Ottawa, ON K2K 2E6
Telephone number:
Web address:
Jeffrey Maddox, President
Nokia Canada Inc. is not a coalition.
The activities of Nokia Canada Inc. are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Nokia Canada Inc. does not have any subsidiaries that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the undertaking
Owen Crawford-Lem | No public offices held
Firm: Crestview Strategy