Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Développement économique, Industrie, Propriété intellectuelle, Sécurité nationale/sécurité
Communications with public office holders regarding artificial intelligence (AI), including guiding principles for responsible use by government, the Government of Canada's Guide on the Use of Generative AI, and opportunities for business to provide AI solutions to the public sector.
Politique ou Programme
Développement économique, Industrie, Sécurité nationale/sécurité, Vie privée et Accès à l'information
Communications with public office holders regarding Bill C-26, An Act respecting cyber security, amending the Telecommunications Act and making consequential amendments to other Acts, and related policies, including the Government of Canada’s Enterprise Security Strategy.
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Développement économique, Industrie, Vie privée et Accès à l'information
Communications with public office holders regarding Bill C-27, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022, including with respect to the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Politique ou Programme
Développement économique, Commerce international
Communications with public office holders regarding policies and initiatives to encourage trade between Canada and the United States, including with regard to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Radiodiffusion, Questions touchant les consommateurs, Développement économique, Industrie, Commerce international, Médias
Communications with public office holders regarding the implementation of the Digital Services Tax Act, Online News Act, Online Streaming Act, including as it relates to regulations and conditions applicable to American corporations operating in Canada.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Climat, Environnement, Industrie
Communications with public office holders regarding the State of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Report and the Risk Management Scope for PFAS.
Politique ou Programme
The United States Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization and it advocates for policies that help businesses create jobs and grow the economy.
Suzanne Clark, President and CEO
Adresse :
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20062-2000
États-Unis d'Amérique
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