Total Number of Communication Reports: 0
Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 0
Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Consumer Issues, Defence, Economic Development, Environment, Government Procurement, Health, Industry, International Development, International Trade, National Security/Security, Regional Development, Research and Development, Science and Technology
Our clients want procurement requirements in Canadian tenders to take into consideration environmental, social and governance issues. They also want the Canadian gouvernment to prioritaize Canadian manufacturers when procuring products for different applications including defence. This is to protect Canadian manufacturers from low-cost, poor-quality imported products and from unfair foreign competition.
Policies or Program
Founded in 2009, the Canadian Textile Industry Association (CTIA) is a national non-profit Association dedicated to growing and promoting the Canadian textile industry. Bringing together several manufacturers, convertors and end users of textile products, CTIA fosters collaboration, innovation and communication among its members, providing up-to-date, reliable information about issues of interest and concern to the industry. The CTIA promotes constructive dialogue with industry stakeholders and various levels of government on key topics related to procurement and local sourcing, free access to foreign markets and sustainable development. Our efforts support members in strategic issues such as the application of Canadian content rules during calls for tenders and access to financial assistance programs to support businesses in terms of innovation, modernization and job creation.
Jacek Mlynarek, Executive Director
85 Albert St Suite 1501
Ottawa, ON K1P 6A4
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