Nombre total de rapports de communication : 0
Rapports mensuels de communications au cours des 6 derniers mois : 0
Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Agriculture, Budget, Climat, Environnement, Sciences et technologies
Increase long-term and targeted federal funding to help farmers adopt green technologies and sustainable practices that will support an environmentally responsible agriculture and food growing sector.
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Santé, Commerce international
International Trade as it applies to nontariff trade barriers in the Agricultural and food area in the Pest Control Products Regulations and Health Canada Policies
Agriculture, Relations fédérales-provinciales
Learn more about the federal government's programs and initiatives that include interaction with the provinces to best support Canada's agriculture sector.
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Recherche et développement, Sciences et technologies
Learn more about the government's research, innovation, and new technology development priorities and supports in the agriculture sector.
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Climat, Environnement
To advocate for a federally funded national water monitoring program that includes the measuring of environmental and climates outcomes, as well as risk assessment. This program should support regulatory decisions and assist Canada in achieving its environmental and biodiversity goals and targets.
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Environnement, Santé
To request that the Government of Canada extend, in accordance with the Pest Control Products Act under Article 21 (3), the implementation timeline of Health Canada’s Re-evaluation Decision RVD2021-04, Lambda-cyhalothrin and Its Associated End-use Products (the Decision) which cancelled the use of this product for feed, while maintaining it for food. The implementation extension period should be sufficient to allow grains produced from crops treated with lambda-cyhalothrin in 2023 and previous years to be used as both food and feed and to be marketed in the years to come. A realistic and reasonable extension timeframe is necessary to provide certainty to growers and agri-business on what constitutes regulatory compliance in 2023 and beyond.
Politique ou Programme
Adresse :
140 Research Lane, Research Park
Guelph, ON N1G 4Z3
Numéro de téléphone :
Robyn McKee, Manager, Government & Industry Relations Canada
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Les activités de Syngenta Canada Inc. ne sont pas contrôlées ou dirigées par une autre personne morale ou physique ou par une organisation, qui est directement intéressée au résultat de cet engagement.
Syngenta Canada Inc. ne possède aucune filiale qui pourrait être directement intéressée au résultat de l'engagement
Wes McLean | Charges publiques désignées occupées
Cabinet d'expert-conseil : Le Groupe Capital Hill / Capital Hill Group