Total Number of Communication Reports: 0
Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 0
Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Environment, Mining
Air Quality Management System as it affects the mineral industry
Policies or Program
Environment, Internal Trade, Mining, Transportation
Canada Transportation Act as it relates to shipping of mineral products
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Environment, Mining
Canadian Environmental Protection Act as it applies to substances produced by or used by the mineral industry
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Environment, Mining
Canadian Environmental Protection Act in respect to: Chemicals Management Plan; implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury; and the National Pollutant Release Inventory.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Policies or Program
Aboriginal Affairs, Economic Development, Employment and Training, Environment, Infrastructure, International Trade, Labour, Mining, Research and Development, Science and Technology
Canadian Metals and Minerals Plan as it relates to NRCan's development of the plan and as it relates to the mining industry
Policies or Program
Environment, Mining, Transportation
Canadian Navigable Waters Act in respect to compliance for projects in the mineral industry
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Environment, International Trade, Mining, Transportation
Canadian position with respect to implementation of MARPOL Annex V, the regular updating of changes to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code
Policies or Program
Climate, Environment, Mining
Clean Electricity Regulations
Environment, Mining
Clean Fuel Regulations
Climate, Economic Development, Environment, Mining
Climate Change policies and/or programs as they relate to addressing greenhouse gas emissions and the decarbonization of the mining sector
Policies or Program
Aboriginal Affairs, Economic Development, Employment and Training, Environment, Infrastructure, International Trade, Labour, Mining, Research and Development
Critical Minerals Strategy as it relates to the Government of Canada's policies and/or programs in support of critical mineral development
Policies or Program
International Development, International Trade, Mining
Doing Business the Canadian Way: A Strategy to Advance Corporate Social Responsibility in Canada's Extractive Sector Abroad in respect to Canadian mining companies operating abroad.
Policies or Program
Explosives Act as it relates to mining sector activities
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Explosives Regulations in regards to explosives licensing in mining
Extractive Transparency Measures Act as it is applied to the mining industry
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Economic Development, Mining
Federal program on Mineral Statistics in respect to mining statistics
Policies or Program
International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Mining
Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act as it applies to the mining industry
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Environment, Fisheries, Mining
Fisheries Act in respect of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER), the proposed Coal Mining Effluent Regulations (CMER) and proposed regulations for oil sands mining.
Aboriginal Affairs, Energy, Environment, Fisheries, Mining
Fisheries Act - Section 35 in respect of compliance for projects near water in the mineral industry
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
International Trade, Mining
Foreign investment and trade as it relates to Foreign Investment Agreements (FIPAs) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
Policies or Program
Aboriginal Affairs, Environment, Mining
Formerly Bill C-17 - Amendments to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESSA) and subsequent engagement on related issues as it pertains to the mining industry.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Policies or Program
Aboriginal Affairs, Budget, Employment and Training, Labour, Mining
Human Resources - Human Resources Development Canada - Mining skills development and training programs for Indigenous and under-represented groups in mining (female, new Canadians), with the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MIHR)
Policies or Program
Aboriginal Affairs, Constitutional Issues, Economic Development, Environment, Mining, Regional Development
Impact Assessment Act & Regs. as they affect assessment of projects in the mineral industry
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Aboriginal Affairs, Environment, Mining
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Boards, Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, Yukon Environment and Socio-economic Assessment Board, Yukon Water Board, Nunavut Impact Review Board, Nunavut Water Board as they relate to (published or unpublished) reasons for decisions made in environmental assessment and permitting; appointments with respect to relevant qualifications and professional and technical experience of Board appointees, and policy decision that affect effluent standards set in water permits.
Policies or Program
1100-275 Slater Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5H9
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Web address:
Geoff Smith, Vice President, Government Relations
The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) / L'association minière du Canada (AMC) is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.
The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) / L'association minière du Canada (AMC) is not a coalition.
The activities of The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) / L'association minière du Canada (AMC) are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) / L'association minière du Canada (AMC) does not have any subsidiaries that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the undertaking
Peter Stuyt | Public offices held
Firm: Sandstone Group