Total Number of Communication Reports: 0
Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 0
Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Employment and Training, Health, Intellectual Property
Demonstrate leadership in AI by establishing the Health Artificial Intelligence Validation Network (HAIVN) framework as an independent entity to improve the evaluation and regulation of AI in Canada as part of Health Canada’s Medical Devices Directorate regulatory process.
Policies or Program
Guide an investment of $2 billion over three years for radiology equipment to improve access to modern medical imaging equipment. Streamline the process for equipment installation and reduce the substantial associated labour costs.
Policies or Program
Budget, Employment and Training, Health, Research and Development, Taxation and Finance
Invest in the radiology workforce. This would include the hiring and retention of MRTs, sonographers and radiologists as part of a health human resource strategy to reduce backlogs and improve health services.
Policies or Program
220 Laurier Ave #1120
Ottawa, ON K1P 6E6
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Web address:
Nick Neuheimer, Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Association of Radiologists / l’Association canadienne des radiologistes is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.
Canadian Association of Radiologists / l’Association canadienne des radiologistes is not a coalition.
The activities of Canadian Association of Radiologists / l’Association canadienne des radiologistes are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking.
Canadian Association of Radiologists / l’Association canadienne des radiologistes does not have any subsidiaries that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the undertaking
Christian von Donat | Public offices held
Firm: Impact Public Affairs