Version 3
de 130
(2006-10-26 à
a été soumis avant l'entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur le lobbying, le 2 juillet 2008. En raison d'exigences de renseignements différents à ce moment-là, l'enregistrement est présenté sous le format suivant.
A. Renseignements sur l'organisation
Organisation :
Association des universités et collèges du Canada / Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
350 Albert Street, Suite 600
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B1
Numéro de téléphone :
Numéro de fax :
Nom et poste de l'agent responsable pendant la période de cet enregistrement :
Description des activités de l'organisation :
The association of universities and colleges of canada has represented canada's universities since 1911. We influence public policy by sharing expertise, information and the perspectives of our members with government, industry and community leaders. Our advocacy ensures that higher education is recognized as vital to canada's prosperity and quality of life as a knowledge-based society and economy.We are a non-governmental and not-for-profit group, funded through membership fees and revenues from contract management services and publications. Our priorities include: better public understanding and support for higher education; improved funding for canada's universities, enhanced support for research; and increased internationalization of higher education in canada.To foster broad support for higher education, the aucc: promotes dialogue with policy makers in canada; builds partnerships with local, national, and international organizations; and publishes studies on current and emerging trends and issues confronting universities. Aucc provides services to member universities in three main areas: public policy and advocacy, communications, research and information sharing; and scholarships and international programs.
Membres ou types de membres de l'organisation. :
Aucc has one class of voting members. Members are canadian public and private not-for-profit universities and university level colleges. At present, aucc has 89 voting members. Associate members are non-voting national groupings of academic and administrative components of aucc member institutions whose objects are consonant with those of aucc. At present, there are 15 associate members. Aucc members are listed on the website
L'organisation a-t-elle été financée en tout ou en partie par une institution gouvernementale domestique ou étrangère au cours du dernier exercice financier complet?
Date de la fin du dernier exercice financier complet de l'organisation :
Liste du financement public
Institution gouvernementale
Financement reçu au cours du dernier exercice financier
Canadian Heritage
55 630,11 $
B. Lobbyistes employés dans l'organisation
Nom :
Robert Best
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
John Dingwall
Titre du poste :
Senior Policy Analyst RPA
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Nina DiStefano
Titre du poste :
Analyst IR
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Alison Evans
Titre du poste :
Manager, Research Communications (P&C) (NAB)
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Gary Evans
Titre du poste :
Director, Government Relations and Public Affairs GRPA-NAB
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Michelle Gauthier
Titre du poste :
Director of Research and Policy Analysis
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Daniel Hubert
Titre du poste :
Senior Policy Analyst RPA
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Pari Johnston
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Caroline Lachance
Titre du poste :
Senior Policy Analyst RPA
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Karen McBride
Titre du poste :
Vice-President, International Affairs Branch IAB
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Claire M. Morris
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Herb O'Heron
Titre du poste :
Senior Advisor, National Affairs NAB
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Jeff Pappone
Titre du poste :
Media Relations Officer P&C
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Luc Rainville
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Robert South
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Beverlee Stevenson
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Christine Tausig Ford
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Tom Tunney
Titre du poste :
Senior Policy Analyst IR
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Robert White
Titre du poste :
Senior Policy Analyst IR
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Stephen Wills
Titre du poste :
Charges publiques occupées :
Nom :
Alana Yuill
Titre du poste :
acting Director, International Affairs, IAB
Charges publiques occupées :
1983-88: Senior Analyst, Education Support Branch, Department of the Secretary of State of Canada
August 2002-May 2003: Commerce Officer (CO), Federal-provincial Relations Division, Industry Canada
May 2003-October 2003: Economist/Statistician (ES), Intelligent Transportation Systems Policy Branch, Transport Canada
December 1998-February 1999: Associate Deputy Minister of Human Resources Development Canada
February 1999-May 2002: Deputy Minister of Human Resources Development Canada, Deputy Minister of Labour and concurrently Chairperson of the Canada Employment Insurance Commission
May 2002-April 2004: Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Privy Council Office of Canada
1968-69-70: summer student , Parks Canada
1970-1974: CR-4, Machinery Equipment Advisory Board, Industry Canada, for 3 months each summer as full-time university student
2004: two days temporary administrative assistant during election for Elections Canada
1984: Revenue Canada, taxation clerk (Feb-June)
1985: Statistics Canada, Census enumerator (June-July); Census form, processing clerk (July-Nov.)
1986: Revenue Canada, taxation clerk (Feb-June)
1993: Elections Canada, special ballot scrutinizer (two weeks)
1993: Legislative & Communications Assistant, Office of John Brewin, MP Victoria, House of Commons
1995-99: Communications Assistant (1995-97) and Legislative Assistant (1997-99), Office of Svend Robinson, MP Burnaby Douglas, House of Commons
2000: Executive Director of Operations, NDP Caucus Services, House of Commons
August 2004-November 2004: Research and Policy Analyst, Strategic Policy and Planning, First Nation and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada
From November 1973 to December 1981, John Dingwall worked as a Foreign Service Officer at Department Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Federal-Provincial Co-ordination (Oct., 1980 to Dec., 1981): International education activities and related policies.
Canadian Embassy, Vienna, Austria (Oct., 1978 to Sept., 1980): Responsibility for the public affairs program; liaison with the International Atomic Energy Agency; and bilateral relations with Austria.
Commodity Policy (Oct., 1977 to Aug., 1978): Policy co-ordination for food aid and grains.
German language training (August to October, 1978).
Consular Policy (July to Sept., 1977): Revision of the consular documentation used by our Embassies.
Parliamentary Returns Officer, Minister's Office (Oct., 1975 to Aug., 1976): Responsibility for providing the Minister with information needed for Question Period (Minister's House Book); co-ordinating replies to Questions on the Order Paper, and co-ordinating the provision of material for debates.
Ph.D. Dissertation Research (Jan. to Sept., 1975, and Sept., 1976, to June, 1977).
Aid and Development Division (July to Dec., 1974): Trade policy co-ordination relating to international commodity arrangements.
French language training (April to June, 1974).
Northwestern European Division (Nov., 1973 to Apr., 1974): Desk officer for the Scandinavian countries.
1998: Policy Analyst, Policy Development Division, Health Promotions Branch, Health Canada
February 2002 to December 2003: Executive Assistant, Office of Carolyn Bennett, Member of Parliament
December 2003 to November 2005: Senior Policy Advisor and Director of Parliamentary Affairs, Office of Carolyn Bennett, Minister of State (Public Health)
November 2005 to January 2006: Director of Parliamentary Affairs, Office of John McCallum, Minister of Natural Resources
1989-99: Part-time contract work while completing Master's degree, Department of Justice
September 1988 - April 1989 and
September 1989 - April 1990
Student assistant to Parliamentary Librarians, Federal Part-Time Student Employment Program
C. Renseignements sur les activités de lobbying
Institutions fédérales qui ont été ou seront consultées au cours de l'engagement. :
Affaires autochtones et Développement du Nord Canada,
Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada (MAECIC),
Agence canadienne de développement international (ACDI),
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC),
Bureau du Conseil privé (BCP),
Cabinet du Premier ministre (CPM),
Canadian Foundation for Innovation,
Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI),
Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada,
Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH),
Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie (CRSNG),
Conseil national de recherches (CNRC),
Développement des ressources humaines Canada (DRHC),
Environnement Canada,
Finances Canada (FIN),
Industrie Canada,
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC),
Patrimoine canadien (PCH),
Revenu Canada (RC),
Santé Canada (SC),
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada (SCT),
Statistique Canada (StatCan),
Transports Canada (TC)
Techniques de communication déjà utilisées ou qui seront utilisées au cours de l'engagement :
Appel au grand public,
Appels téléphoniques,
Communications informelles,
Communications écrites, en format papier ou électronique,
Objet : Sujets de préoccupation :
Affaires autochtones,
Commerce international,
Développement régional,
Emploi et formation,
Impôts et finances,
International Development,
Propriété intellectuelle,
Relations internationales,
Sciences et technologies,
University Research
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements rétrospectifs :
¿New substances notification regulation.¿Issues outlined in fall 2006 pre-budget submission regarding investments in higher education and university research: support for the federal research granting councils; the Canada Research Chairs Program, Canada Graduate Scholarships; university infrastructure through the Canada Foundation for Innovation and CANARIE; and institutional support through the Indirect Costs Program. As well as continued support in the investment in the attraction, retention and development of research talent; in building and sustaining state-of-the-art infrastructure; and in ensuring that universities can fully provide the conditions for research excellence.¿Follow-up to government's three on-line consultations on fiscal balance/imbalance, postsecondary education and infrastructure.¿Science and Technology Review announced in Budget 2006.¿Issues regarding research involving human subjects.¿International research collaboration and international education including international students, study abroad grants/scholarships/fellowships and higher education in international development cooperation.¿Foreign Credit Recognition, and outreach to immigrant populations.¿Liberalizing trade in education services sectors.¿Marketing and services abroad regarding exchanges, scholarships, training, internships and technical assistance programs and contracts. All government departments and agencies as well as development of government policy and programs on marketing higher education abroad, including international financial institutions such as the World Bank as well as to increase the level of government support for these marketing efforts.¿Copyright reform dealing with digital and other issues.¿Aboriginal education.¿Issues outlined in the fact sheets on the following subjects listed on the AUCC website: direct costs of university research; indirect costs of university research; Canada Foundation for Innovation; transfer payments for PSE; international education and student assistance.¿Transit Pass 2006 Budget measure.¿Government advertisements in AUCC publications.
Objets poursuivis : Renseignements prospectifs :
¿Follow-up on the outcome of the federal government's three consultations on fiscal balance, infrastructure and postsecondary education as well as the development of the S&T strategy and other reviews initiated in the 2006 Budget.¿Engage on issues raised inthe AUCC pre-budget submission outlined above.¿Consider intervention on any criminal code amendments regarding animal cruelty.
Détails sur l'objet indiqué
Politique ou programme
Canada Research Chairs Program;Indirect Costs Program;Commercialization Capacity Fund;Canadian Student Loans ProgramTri-council Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on roles and responsibilities
New substances notification regulation