Registry of Lobbyists

Registration - In-house Organization


Registration Information

In-house Organization name: COMPOSITE PANEL ASSOCIATION
Responsible Officer Name: Andy O'Hare, President 
Responsible Officer Change History
Initial registration start date: 2005-08-11
Registration status: Active
Registration Number: 948185-5026

Associated Communications

Total Number of Communication Reports: 10

Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 0

Version 1 of 13 (2005-08-11 to 2006-06-07)

Version 1 of 13 (2005-08-11 to 2006-06-07) was submitted prior to the Lobbying Act coming into force on July 2, 2008. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

A. Organization Information

99 Bank St. Suite 701
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6B9
Telephone number: 613-232-6782
Fax number: 613-232-8386  
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration: Donald Bisson, Vice President  
Description of the organization's activities: Represents manufacturers of particleboard,MDF and hardboard on regulatory,technical,safety,standards,environmental and product acceptance issues.Is the voice of the composite industry in North America.Also responsible for the Grademark Certification Program and is the sponsor for the ANSI standards.
Organization's membership or classes of membership: Represents 90% of the industry's production in North America and over 94% of industry's capacity in Canada.Also includes associate members who are suppliers,clients and distributors of composite panels.
Was the organization funded in whole or in part by any domestic or foreign government institution in the last completed financial year? No

B. Lobbyists Employed by the Organization

Name: Doanald Bisson
Position title: Vice-President
Public offices held: No

C. Lobbying Activity Information

Federal departments or organizations which have been or will be communicated with during the course of the undertaking: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Canada Labour Relations Board (CLRB), Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT), Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA), Competition Tribunal (CT), Environment Canada, Finance Canada (FIN), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAITC), Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (HMIRC), Health Canada (HC), Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC), Industry Canada, National Energy Board (NEB), National Research Council (NRC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Revenue Canada (RC), Transport Canada (TC), Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
Communication techniques that have been used or are expected to be used in the course of the undertaking:
Grass-roots communication, Informal communications, Meetings, Presentations, Telephone calls, Written communications, whether in hard copy or electronic format
Subject Matter: Areas of Concern: Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Forestry, Industry, Internal Trade, International Trade, Labour, Regional Development, Science and Technology, Taxation and Finance, Transportation
Subject Matter: Retrospective: Petionned the federal government on the negative effects of imposing tariffs on US goods in retaliation to the US Bird Amendment.Is working with Natural Resources Canada and with Industry Canada on consequences of incentives for biomass and on the government policies in regards to Kyoto.
Subject Matter: Prospective: Will be continuing our represention to NRCan and Industry Canada on the biomass issues and on Kyoto effects to the industries residual wood supply.Also will be working with Health Canada on the formaldehyde file.

Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter

Categories Description
Legislative Proposal Kyoto Accord

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