Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Budget, Consumer Issues, Justice and Law Enforcement, Privacy and Access to Information, Transportation
Auto theft: Advocate for a national auto theft strategy, led by the federal government, in co-ordination with provinces and territories; empower and invest in the Canada Border Services Agency; break down informational silos through expanded sharing of intelligence and customs information; harmonize Canadian vehicle export policy with international best practices; and modernize the country’s outdated anti-theft vehicle standards.
Policies or Program
Budget, Employment and Training, Health
Charitable sector: Policies, including those around the disbursement quota, to support programming and services empowering marginalized youth and individuals with mental health challenges to progress in their path towards employability.
Policies or Program
Budget, Climate, Environment, Infrastructure, Municipalities, Natural Resources
Climate Change Adaptation: Implementation of the National Adaptation Strategy, advancing flood resiliency, including the development of a national high-risk flood insurance program, and flood mapping, weather harden houses/changes in building codes as well as call for more public education programs on flood, wildfire, and other climate risks.
Policies or Program
Budget, Economic Development, Financial Institutions, Taxation and Finance
Co-op Sector: Call upon the Federal Government to support or invest in the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund. To commit resources to build capacity in the co-op sector to promote co-operatives as a sustainable and well understood business model that can have significant impact on major policy.
Policies or Program, Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
Budget, Health
Dental care: Raise awareness of the role private insurers play in dental care coverage and advocate for improvements to the current system.
Policies or Program
Budget, Health
Health care: Support affordable prescription drug system for Canadians.
Policies or Program
Budget, Climate, Environment, Financial Institutions, Infrastructure, Municipalities, Taxation and Finance
Resilient and Low-Carbon Economy: Support the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures to promote more consistent, comparable, and reliable disclosure of climate related information. Call upon the Government to support the work and recommendations of the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance to reduce climate-risk exposure in Canada's markets and financial institutions. Contribute to the framework for a stable and reliable sustainable finance market. Support policies that catalyze a broad societal partnership to improve community resiliency.
Policies or Program
Based in Guelph, Ontario Co-operators is a group of Canadian companies focusing on insurance. As a federally regulated tier-three co-operative, our members are 46 co-operatives and credit union centrals, representing a combined membership of 5 million Canadians. As one of Canada's most prominent financial services organizations we are proud to provide insurance and financial services to more than two million Canadians.
Rob Wesseling, President and Chief Executive Officer
130 Macdonell St.
Guelph, ON N1H 6P8
Telephone number:
Fax number:
The Co-operators Group Ltd. / Groupe Co-operators limitée is not a subsidiary of any other parent companies.