Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Internal Trade, Transportation
Automated Customs Initiative - involved in consultations on program design and policy implementation with respect to design, implementation, communication and enforcement of the ACI program
Policies or Program
International Trade, Transportation
Better Borders Working Group/Regulatory Cooperation Council –Seek more efficient border crossings
Policies or Program, Regulation
Budget, Employment and Training, Immigration, Infrastructure, Internal Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Taxation and Finance, Transportation
Budget - Pre-Budget - Submitted recommendations concerning immigration, taxation, infrastructure, truck driver hours of service and capital cost allowances.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Regulation, Policies or Program
International Trade, National Security/Security, Transportation
CANADA/U.S. TRADE AND SECURITY with regard to border programs, international relations, Security and Prosperity Partnership
Policies or Program
Employment and Training, Federal-Provincial Relations, Immigration, Labour, Transportation
Canada Labour Code Parts I, II and III; member of FETCO.
Specific to issues of Occupational Health and Safety and Hours of Work.
Regulation, Policies or Program, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Transportation
Can-US Safety Rating Reciprocity - Ensure fairness and sufficient monitoring for all US motor carriers when operating in all Canadian jurisdictions, while continuing to promote the successful transition to a complete reciprocal agreement between Canada and the US
Policies or Program, Regulation
Internal Trade, International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Transportation
Commercial Vehicle Driver Hours of Service Regulations – require that all drivers required to maintain a log book would be required to use an electronic on-board recorder to monitor their hours of service compliance electronically
Internal Trade, Transportation
Commercial Vehicle Hours of Service with respect to applicability, implementation, compliance and enforcement with current and on-going research.
Policies or Program
Employment and Training, Internal Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Transportation
Consumer Issues - Third Party Certification of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). Support for Transport Canada's efforts to introduce certified technology.
Policies or Program, Regulation
Budget, Infrastructure, Taxation and Finance, Transportation
Federal Budgets in general with respect to providing input into possible tax incentives, infrastructure investments or programs that could be put in place. CTA submits pre-budget recommendations on an annual basis.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Climate, Environment, Internal Trade, Transportation
Fuel and Vehicle Emission Regulations (development of standards, regulations, and compliance regimes
Employment and Training, Internal Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Transportation
Health - Related to legalization of Cannabis.
Regulation, Policies or Program
Environment, Transportation
Heavy Vehicle Aerodynamic Technologies – Development of standards, regulations and compliance policies operating in Canada and the United States
Regulation, Policies or Program
Economic Development, Infrastructure, Internal Trade, International Trade, Labour, Transportation
HIGHWAYS AND BORDERS INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT - discussions with Transport Canada about possible investments in key roads, borders and bridges across Canada
Policies or Program
Immigration, Justice and Law Enforcement, Labour, Taxation and Finance, Transportation
Immigration - related to temporary foreign worker program and support for demand driven immigration allowances specific to assisting shortage of qualified truck drivers.
Policies or Program
Taxation and Finance, Transportation
Income Tax Act accelerating Capital Cost Allowance rates for trucking equipment
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Regulation
Taxation and Finance, Transportation
Income Tax Act federal diesel excise tax asking the government to live up to its election promise to reduce it
Economic Development, International Relations, International Trade, Transportation
New Second Crossing at Windsor-Detroit – Support of Gordie Howe Bridge, provide input on trucking specific issues
Policies or Program
Taxation and Finance, Transportation
Taxation - related to tax fairness and tax compliance for companies and truck drivers.
Policies or Program
Employment and Training, Internal Trade, International Trade, Justice and Law Enforcement, Research and Development, Transportation
Transportation of Dangerous Good Act -amendments to the act pertaining to the security of goods during transport, signage, security plans and security checks for drivers appropriate and reasonable vehicle designs in keeping with provincial regulations.
Policies or Program, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Regulation
The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) is a national association representing the trucking industry's viewpoint on national and international policy, regulatory and legislative issues.
Stephen Laskowski, PRESIDENT & Chief Executive Officer
555 Dixon Road
Toronto, ON M9W 1H8
Telephone number:
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