Registry of Lobbyists

Advanced Registry Search Results

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  1. Lobbyist name (consultant or in-house lobbyist): WONG, STEPHEN OR;
  2. Responsible officer name: WONG, STEPHEN
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Registration (2)
Results: 1-2 | Export
  1. Retired Teachers of Ontario / Les enseignantes et enseignants retraités de l'Ontario
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Jim Grieve, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 4 of 9 (2022-05-02 to 2023-04-24)
    Posted: 2022-05-19
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 6
  2. Retired Teachers of Ontario / Les enseignantes et enseignants retraités de l'Ontario
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Jim Grieve, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 3 of 9 (2022-04-01 to 2022-05-02)
    Posted: 2022-04-01
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 3
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 6

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