Apply for an exemption from the post-employment prohibition on lobbying
To apply, you'll need to provide the following:
Your contact information (name, address, email, telephone number);
Information regarding your most recent employment as a DPOH within the last 5 years:
position title
start and end dates
name, title, email and phone number of immediate supervisor
name, title, email and phone number of a colleague
A list of all additional employment as a DPOH within the last 5 years. Information required for each:
position title
start and end dates
name and title of immediate supervisor
Reasons why you should be exempted (i.e. employed as DPOH for short period of time or on an acting basis, employed under a student program, only had administrative duties, or other relevant factors); and
Supporting documentation
Letters of offer
Proof of departure
Any other relevant information, including correspondence received from the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner.
If you have all the above information ready, click Continue to start the process.