Registry of Lobbyists

Registration - In-house Organization

The Canadian Real Estate Association / L'association Canadienne de L'immeuble / Janice Myers, Chief Executive Officer

Registration Information

In-house Organization name: The Canadian Real Estate Association / L'association Canadienne de L'immeuble
Responsible Officer Name: Janice Myers, Chief Executive Officer 
Responsible Officer Change History
Initial registration start date: 1996-03-28
Registration status: Active
Registration Number: 956852-5521

Associated Communications

Total Number of Communication Reports: 197

Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 4

Version 68 of 91 (2017-09-24 to 2018-01-01)

Version 68 of 91 (2017-09-24 to 2018-01-01)

Date Modified: