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Verification of monthly communication reports

Monthly communication reports

Lobbyists must report their oral and arranged communications with designated public office holders if they are about registrable subject matters (e.g. legislative proposals, legislation, regulations, policies or programs, awarding of grants, contributions or other financial benefits, etc.) Consultant lobbyists must also report any communication relating to the awarding of any federal contract.

Monthly communication reports must be disclosed by the 15th of the following month.

Verifying accuracy and completeness

Each month, the Office verifies a 5% sample of communication reports submitted by lobbyists. Generally, 50 to 70 reports are verified.

Designated public office holders mentioned in these reports are required to confirm if they are accurate and complete [Lobbying Act, subsection 9.1(1)].

If a discrepancy is identified, the Office asks the person responsible for reporting the communication to provide clarifications within 30 days or to correct the report within 10 days.

The most common errors are minor, such as the wrong date, a wrong title or an error in the spelling of the name of the person in attendance.

The verification of monthly communication reports ensures the integrity of the information reported and reminds designated public office holders that they are the object of reportable lobbying activities.

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