Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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  1. Designated public office holder (DPOH) full name: LUCIE MONCION
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Government institution of the DPOH
Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-31 of 31
    Active RDEE Canada / Réseau de développement économique et d'employabilité du Canada (RDÉE Canada)
    In-house Organization: Yan Plante, Président-Directeur Général
    Monthly Communications: 41
    Active Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario
    In-house Organization: Peter Hominuk, Directeur général
    Monthly Communications: 7
    Active Universities Canada / Universités Canada
    In-house Organization: Gabriel Miller, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 147
    Active Canadian Bankers Association / Association des Banquiers Canadiens
    In-house Organization: Anthony Ostler, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 137
    Active The Canadian National Railway Company / La Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada
    In-house Corporation: Tracy Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 111
    Active Canadian Pacific Railway Company
    In-house Corporation: Keith Creel, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 106
    Active Imagine Canada
    In-house Organization: Bruce MacDonald, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 105
    Active YWCA Canada
    In-house Organization: Aline Nizigama, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 94
    In-house Organization: Tiffany Butler, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Monthly Communications: 70
    Active RAILWAY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (THE) (RAC) / L'Association des chemins de fer du Canada (ACFC)
    In-house Organization: Marc Brazeau, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 65
    Active Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada
    In-house Organization: Alain Dupuis, Directeur général
    Monthly Communications: 54
    Active National Police Federation / Federation de la Police Nationale
    In-house Organization: Brian Sauve, President
    Monthly Communications: 52
    Active Canadian Association of University Teachers / Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d'université
    In-house Organization: David Robinson, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Monthly Communications: 36
    Active Canadian Urban Transit Association / Association canadienne du transport urbain
    In-house Organization: Marco D'Angelo, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 25
    Active United for Literacy / Littératie Ensemble
    In-house Organization: Mélanie Valcin, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 20
    Active The Canadian Chiropractic Association / L'Association Chiropratique Canadienne
    In-house Organization: Ayla Azad, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 13
    Active Canadian Teachers' Federation / Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants
    In-house Organization: Cassandra Hallett, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 13
    Active Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting (CALU)
    In-house Organization: GUY LEGAULT, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 11
    Active Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO)
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Fabien Hébert
    Monthly Communications: 10
    Active Société de la francophonie manitobaine
    Consultant: Rémi Courcelles, Consultation Esplanade Consulting Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 8
    Active Consumer's Union / Union des consommateurs
    In-house Organization: Maxime Dorais, Co-Directeur général
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Canadian Prepaid Providers Organization (CPPO)
    Consultant: Mark Johnson, PAA Advisory | Conseils
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation / La Fédération canadienne des coopératives de travail
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Active Canadian Chiropractic Association / Association Chiropratique Canadienne
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors) (Member of the organization): Clark Mills
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Active Canadian Chiropractic Association / Association Chiropratique Canadienne
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors) (Member of the organization): Jaipaul Parmar
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Active Dairy Farmers of Ontario
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Bart Rijke
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Active Dairy Farmers of Ontario
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Vicky Morrison
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Active Philanthropic Foundations Canada
    In-house Organization: Jean-Marc Mangin, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Inactive Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation / La Federation canadienne des cooperatives de travail
    Consultant: Pierre Cyr, Edelman Global Advisory
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Inactive Small Change Fund
    Consultant: Stéphane Stril, COPTICOM Stratégies et relations publiques
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Inactive First Work
    Consultant: Michelle Silva, Navigator Ltd.
    Monthly Communications: 1

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