Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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Government institution of the DPOH
Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-50 of 407
    Active The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs / Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes
    In-house Organization: SHIMON FOGEL, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Monthly Communications: 174
    Active Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) / Fédération canadienne de l’entreprise indépendante (FCEI)
    In-house Organization: Daniel Kelly, PRESIDENT and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
    Monthly Communications: 167
    In-house Organization: Carole Saab, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 166
    Active David Suzuki Foundation / Fondation David Suzuki
    In-house Organization: Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 161
    Active Universities Canada / Universités Canada
    In-house Organization: Philip Landon, Interim President
    Monthly Communications: 135
    Active Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada / Fondation des maladies du coeur et de l’AVC
    In-house Organization: Doug Roth, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 85
    Active Ecojustice Canada
    In-house Organization: Tracy London, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 84
    Active Pembina Pipeline Corporation
    In-house Corporation: Scott Burrows, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 83
    Active Federated Co-operatives Limited
    In-house Corporation: Heather Ryan, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 68
    In-house Organization: Celyeste Power, President & Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 56
    Active CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY / Société canadienne du cancer
    In-house Organization: Andrea Seale, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 55
    Active J.D. Irving, Limited
    In-house Corporation: james irving, Co-Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 52
    Active Canadian Urban Institute / Institut Urbain du Canada
    In-house Organization: Mary Rowe, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 51
    Active Ring of Fire Metals Pty. Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Kristan Straub, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 51
    Active CHRA Canadian Housing and Renewal Association / ACHRU Association canadienne d’habitation et de rénovation urbaine
    In-house Organization: Raymond Sullivan, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 48
    Active Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    In-house Organization: Beatrice Bruske, PRESIDENT
    Monthly Communications: 45
    Active B'nai Brith Committee for Justice in Canada / le comité pour la justice au Canada - B'nai Brith Canada
    In-house Organization: Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer, B'nai Brith Canada
    Monthly Communications: 43
    Active Climate Caucus Council
    In-house Organization: Alex Lidstone, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 43
    In-house Organization: David Weinstein, President & Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 42
    Active International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers First District / Fraternite Internationale Des Ouvriers en Electricite Premier District
    In-house Organization: Russ Shewchuk, International Vice-President District 1
    Monthly Communications: 42
    Active Association of Canadian Port Authorities / Association des administrations portuaires canadiennes
    In-house Organization: Daniel-Robert Gooch, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 42
    Active Grieg Seafood
    Consultant: Kevin Bosch, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Monthly Communications: 33
    Active Rick Hansen Foundation
    In-house Organization: Doramy Ehling, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 32
    Active Hydro One Limited
    In-house Corporation: David Lebeter, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 31
    Active MakeWay Charitable Society
    In-house Organization: Joanna Kerr, CEO & President
    Monthly Communications: 31
    Active MNP LLP
    In-house Organization: Jason Tuffs, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 30
    Active Edmonton Global
    In-house Organization: Malcolm Bruce, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 27
    Active BHP Canada Inc.
    Consultant: Heather Tory, Longview Communications & Public Affairs
    Monthly Communications: 26
    Active Canadian Urban Transit Association / Association canadienne du transport urbain
    In-house Organization: Marco D'Angelo, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 25
    Active BHP Canada Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Karina Gistelinck, President: BHP Canada Inc
    Monthly Communications: 24
    Active Restaurants Canada
    In-house Organization: Kelly Higginson, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 24
    Active Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Fédération Canadienne des Municipalitiés
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Scott Pearce
    Monthly Communications: 24
    Active Parkland Corporation / Corporation Parkland
    In-house Corporation: Robert Espey, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 22
    Active Mortgage Professionals Canada / Professionnels Hypothécaires du Canada
    In-house Organization: Lauren van den Berg, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 22
    Active Cisco Systems Canada Co.
    In-house Corporation: Shannon Leininger, President
    Monthly Communications: 21
    Active Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation
    In-house Corporation: Brian Penney, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 20
    Active Pembina Pipeline Corporation
    Monthly Communications: 19
    Active Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)
    Consultant: Karen Moores, Town Advocacy
    Monthly Communications: 19
    Active Canadian Telecommunications Association / L’Association canadienne des télécommunications
    In-house Organization: ROBERT GHIZ, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active ChargePoint Canada Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Suzanne Goldberg, Director, Public Policy - Canada
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active City of Victoria
    Consultant: Joshua Matthewman, Temple Scott Associates Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Easter Seals Canada
    Consultant: Karen Moores, Town Advocacy
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Stephen Appleton, Canada Country Manager
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Stand Environmental Society
    In-house Organization: Tzeporah Berman, International Program Director
    Monthly Communications: 15
    Active Canadian Hydrogen Association / Association canadienne de l’hydrogène
    In-house Organization: Ivette Vera-Perez, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 15
    Active University of Guelph
    In-house Organization: Charlotte Yates, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 15
    Active Propulsion Quebec / Grappe industrielle des transports électriques et intelligents (Propulsion Québec)
    In-house Organization: Michelle LLambias Meunier, Présidente-directrice générale
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active Daily Bread Food Bank
    Consultant: Liam Daly, Sussex Strategy Group
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active Expedia Canada Corp
    In-house Corporation: Robert Dzielak, President; Chief Legal Officer & Secretary; Director
    Monthly Communications: 13
    In-house Organization: Ondina Love, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
    Monthly Communications: 13

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