Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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Government institution of the DPOH
Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-50 of 232
    Active Canadian Cattle Association / Association canadienne des bovins
    Monthly Communications: 149
    Active University of Alberta
    In-house Organization: Bill Flanagan, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 135
    Active The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) / L'association minière du Canada (AMC)
    In-house Organization: PIERRE GRATTON, President & Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 117
    Active CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY / Société canadienne du cancer
    In-house Organization: Andrea Seale, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 114
    Active David Suzuki Foundation / Fondation David Suzuki
    In-house Organization: Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 114
    Active University of Calgary
    In-house Organization: Edward McCauley, President & Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 106
    Active University of Manitoba
    In-house Organization: Dr. Michael Benarroch, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 103
    Monthly Communications: 101
    Active The Canadian National Railway Company / La Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada
    In-house Corporation: Tracy Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 101
    Active Pathways Alliance Inc.
    In-house Organization: Kendall Dilling, President
    Monthly Communications: 89
    Active The University of British Columbia
    In-house Organization: Benoit-Antoine Bacon, President
    Monthly Communications: 75
    Active International Institute for Sustainable Development / Institut International du Developpement Durable
    In-house Organization: Patricia Fuller, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 75
    Active TransCanada PipeLines Limited
    In-house Corporation: Francois Poirier, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 64
    Active Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Association Canadienne des Producteurs Pétroliers
    In-house Organization: LISA BAITON, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 61
    Active Ontario Power Generation Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Ken Hartwick, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Monthly Communications: 61
    Active Tourism Industry Association of Canada / L’Association de l’industrie touristique du Canada
    In-house Organization: Beth Potter, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 49
    Active Thompson Rivers University
    In-house Organization: Brett Fairbairn, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 46
    Active Rick Hansen Foundation
    In-house Organization: Doramy Ehling, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 45
    Active Alstom Transport Canada Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Michael Keroullé, Président, Amériques
    Monthly Communications: 43
    Active Microsoft Canada Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Chris Barry, President
    Monthly Communications: 41
    Active Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society / Société pour la nature et les parcs du Canada
    In-house Organization: Sandra Schwartz, National Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 39
    Active Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) / Comptables professionnels agréés du Canada (CPA Canada)
    In-house Organization: Pamela Steer, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 38
    Active Wilder Institute Calgary Zoo
    In-house Organization: Jamie Dorgan, Interim President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 37
    Active The Pew Charitable Trusts
    In-house Organization: Sue Urahn, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 33
    Active Canadian Wildlife Federation / Fédération canadienne de la faune
    In-house Organization: Dean McJannet, Chief Revenue Officer & Executive Director (Acting CEO)
    Monthly Communications: 32
    In-house Organization: Jessica Clogg, Executive Director & Senior Counsel
    Monthly Communications: 32
    Active Nature United
    In-house Organization: Hadley Archer, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 29
    Active Easter Seals Canada
    Consultant: Karen Moores, Town Advocacy
    Monthly Communications: 28
    Active Memorial University of Newfoundland
    In-house Organization: Neil Bose, President and Vice-Chancellor pro tempore
    Monthly Communications: 25
    Active Mikisew Cree First Nation
    Consultant: Shawn Driscoll, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Monthly Communications: 23
    Active Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.
    In-house Organization: Vince Lamanna, President
    Monthly Communications: 23
    Active MNP LLP
    In-house Organization: Jason Tuffs, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 23
    Active World Wildlife Fund Canada / Le fonds mondial pour la nature
    In-house Organization: Megan Leslie, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 22
    In-house Organization: Michael Nadler, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 21
    Active Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Foundation
    In-house Organization: Jodi Hilty, President and Chief Scientist
    Monthly Communications: 21
    Active Wyloo Ring of Fire Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Kristan Straub, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 20
    Active Parkland Corporation / Corporation Parkland
    In-house Corporation: Robert Espey, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 18
    Active Humane Society International/Canada
    In-house Organization: Rebecca Aldworth, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 17
    Active Canadian Federation of Forest Owners / Federation Canadienne de Propietaires Forestiers
    Consultant: Andrew de Vries, 1441540 B.C. Ltd. dba de Vries Sustainability
    Monthly Communications: 17
    Active Canadian Geographic Enterprises Inc.
    In-house Corporation: John Geiger, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Cisco Systems Canada Co.
    In-house Corporation: Shannon Leininger, President
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
    Consultant: ISABEL METCALFE, Public Affairs Counsel
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association of Canada / Association des Commerçants de Véhicules Récréatifs
    In-house Organization: ELEONORE HAMM, PRESIDENT
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active University of Guelph
    In-house Organization: Charlotte Yates, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active The Nature Conservancy of Canada / La Société canadienne pour la conservation de la nature
    In-house Organization: Catherine Grenier, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active MakeWay Charitable Society
    In-house Organization: Joanna Kerr, CEO & President
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation / Première nation athabasca chipewyan
    Consultant: Ben Parsons, Counsel Public Affairs Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 13
    Active Indigenous Leadership Initiative / INITIATIVE DE LEADERSHIP AUTOCHTONE
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Catherine Wilkinson
    Monthly Communications: 13
    Active Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation / Première nation athabasca chipewyan
    Consultant: William Shelling, Counsel Public Affairs Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 13
    Active Innu Nation
    Consultant: William Shelling, Counsel Public Affairs Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 13

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