Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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  1. Designated public office holder (DPOH) full name: MARTY DEACON
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Government institution of the DPOH
Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-20 of 20
    In-house Organization: Tiffany Butler, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Monthly Communications: 70
    Active Universities Canada / Universités Canada
    In-house Organization: Gabriel Miller, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 147
    Active Colleges and Institutes Canada / Collèges et instituts Canada
    In-house Organization: Pari Johnston, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 135
    Active Manulife Financial Corporation / Société Financière Manuvie
    In-house Corporation: Roy Gori, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 127
    Active YWCA Canada
    In-house Organization: Aline Nizigama, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 94
    Active National Cattle Feeders' Association / Association nationale des engraisseurs de bovins
    In-house Organization: Janice Tranberg, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 63
    Active National Police Federation / Federation de la Police Nationale
    In-house Organization: Brian Sauve, President
    Monthly Communications: 52
    Active Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance / Alliance Canadienne du Commerce Agroalimentaire
    In-house Organization: Michael Harvey, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Monthly Communications: 40
    Active Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) / Comité olympique canadien (COC)
    In-house Organization: David Shoemaker, CEO and Secretary General
    Monthly Communications: 32
    Active Canadian Women & Sport / Femmes et Sport Au Canada
    In-house Organization: Allison Sandmeyer-Graves, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 31
    Active Arctic Research Foundation
    Consultant: Tom Potter, Blackbird Strategies, Ltd.
    Monthly Communications: 25
    In-house Organization: Pierre Petelle, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 19
    Active The Canadian Chiropractic Association / L'Association Chiropratique Canadienne
    In-house Organization: Ayla Azad, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 13
    Active Canadian Teachers' Federation / Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants
    In-house Organization: Cassandra Hallett, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 13
    Active Saab Canada, Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Simon Carroll, President
    Monthly Communications: 9
    Active Canadian Lottery Coalition
    Consultant: Siera Draper, NATIONAL Public Relations
    Monthly Communications: 8
    Active Saab Canada, Inc.
    Consultant: Kevin Bosch, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Canadian Chiropractic Association / Association Chiropratique Canadienne
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors) (Member of the organization): Clark Mills
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Active Canadian Chiropractic Association / Association Chiropratique Canadienne
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors) (Member of the organization): Jaipaul Parmar
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Inactive Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) / Comité olympique canadien (COC)
    Consultant: Azin Peyrow, NATIONAL Public Relations Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 1

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