Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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  1. Designated public office holder (DPOH) full name: KATHLEEN DONOHUE
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Government institution of the DPOH
Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-24 of 24
    Active Cereals Canada Inc
    In-house Organization: Dean Dias, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 97
    Active Canadian Canola Growers Association
    In-house Organization: Rick White, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 153
    Active Canola Council of Canada
    In-house Organization: Chris Davison, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 157
    Active Canadian Cattle Association / Association canadienne des bovins
    Monthly Communications: 170
    Active Grain Growers of Canada / Les producteurs de grains du Canada
    In-house Organization: Kyle Larkin, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 78
    Active Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada / Produits alimentaires, de santé et de consommation du Canada
    In-house Organization: Michael Graydon, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 48
    Active Soy Canada Inc.
    In-house Organization: Brian Innes, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 27
    Active Pulse Canada
    In-house Organization: Greg Cherewyk, President
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Canadian Sugar Institute / L'Institut canadien du sucre
    In-house Organization: SANDRA MARSDEN, PRESIDENT
    Monthly Communications: 5
    Active University of Saskatchewan
    In-house Organization: Peter Stoicheff, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 117
    Active Nutrien Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Ken Seitz, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 58
    Active Maple Leaf Foods Inc. / Les Aliments Maple Leaf
    In-house Corporation: Curtis Frank, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 52
    Active Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance / Alliance Canadienne du Commerce Agroalimentaire
    In-house Organization: Michael Harvey, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Monthly Communications: 40
    Active Western Grain Elevator Association
    Consultant: Tyler Bjornson, T. Bjornson & Associates Consulting Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 37
    Active Deans Council - Agriculture, Food & Veterinary Medicine, (Deans Council AFVM) / Conseil des Doyens - Agriculture, Alimentation & Médecine Vétérinaire, (Conseil des Doyens AAMV)
    In-house Organization: ROGER LARSON, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 35
    Active Canadian Meat Council / Conseil des Viandes du Canada
    In-house Organization: Christopher White, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 23
    In-house Organization: Pierre Petelle, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 19
    Active Canada Grains Council
    In-house Organization: Erin Gowriluk, President
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active CANADIAN PORK COUNCIL / Conseil canadien du porc
    In-house Organization: Stephen Heckbert, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Canadian Canola Growers Association
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Dean Roberts
    Monthly Communications: 7
    Active JBS Food Canada Inc.
    Consultant: Tyler Bjornson, T. Bjornson & Associates Consulting Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 4
    Active Food Producers of Canada
    In-house Organization: Denise Allen, PRESIDENT & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 4
    Active Canadian Cattle Association
    Consultant: Leigh Rosengren
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Global Cold Chain Alliance
    Consultant: Philip Baldwin, TACTIX Government Relations & Public Affairs Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 1

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