Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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  1. Designated public office holder (DPOH) full name: PATRICIA BRADY
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Government institution of the DPOH
Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-13 of 13
    Active The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) / L'association minière du Canada (AMC)
    In-house Organization: PIERRE GRATTON, President & Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 124
    Active Business Council of Alberta
    In-house Organization: Adam Legge, President
    Monthly Communications: 127
    In-house Organization: Francis Bradley, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 69
    Active WaterPower Canada / Hydroelectricite Canada
    Consultant: Gilbert Bennett, GJ Bennett Management Consulting Ltd.
    Monthly Communications: 10
    Active Suncor Energy Inc. / Suncor Énergie Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Richard Kruger, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 91
    Active Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers / Association Canadienne des Producteurs Pétroliers
    In-house Organization: LISA BAITON, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 90
    Active Bruce Power
    In-house Corporation: Eric Chassard, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 64
    Active Dow Chemical Canada ULC
    Consultant: Scott Thurlow, Scott Thurlow LLP
    Monthly Communications: 61
    Active Canadian Natural Resources Limited
    In-house Corporation: Scott Stauth, President
    Monthly Communications: 53
    Active ATCO Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Nancy C Southern, Chair & CEO, ATCO Ltd. and Canadian Utilities Limited
    Monthly Communications: 44
    In-house Organization: Jessica Clogg, Executive Director & Senior Counsel
    Monthly Communications: 33
    Active WaterPower Canada / Hydroélectricité Canada
    Consultant: Antoine Bujold, Consilium
    Monthly Communications: 20
    Active Woodfibre Management Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Christine Kennedy, President
    Monthly Communications: 15

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