Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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  1. Designated public office holder (DPOH) full name: MARC SERRE
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Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-47 of 47
    Inactive Domtar Inc.
    Consultant: Sheamus Murphy, Counsel Public Affairs Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Monthly Communications: 104
    Active Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada
    In-house Organization: Alain Dupuis, Directeur général
    Monthly Communications: 54
    Active Hydro One Limited
    In-house Corporation: David Lebeter, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 24
    Active Wyloo Ring of Fire Ltd.
    Consultant: Derek Lipman, Sussex Strategy Group
    Monthly Communications: 22
    Active Paper Excellence Canada
    In-house Corporation: Sugiarto Kardiman, Executive member
    Monthly Communications: 21
    Active Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada / Association canadienne des prospecteurs et entrepreneurs
    In-house Organization: Lisa McDonald, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 19
    Active GreenFirst Forest Products
    Consultant: Bill Mauro, Pathway Group
    Monthly Communications: 10
    Active Electra Battery Materials Corporation
    Consultant: Sheamus Murphy, Counsel Public Affairs Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada / Lobby Climatique des Citoyens
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors) (Member of the organization): Catherine Orlando
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Rio Tinto Canada Management Inc
    In-house Corporation: CAROLYN CHISHOLM, General Manager, External Affairs Canada
    Monthly Communications: 138
    Active University of Alberta
    In-house Organization: Bill Flanagan, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 137
    Active David Suzuki Foundation / Fondation David Suzuki
    In-house Organization: Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 119
    Active International Union of Operating Engineers
    In-house Organization: James Callahan, General President
    Monthly Communications: 86
    Active The University of British Columbia
    In-house Organization: Benoit-Antoine Bacon, President
    Monthly Communications: 80
    Active Bell Canada
    In-house Corporation: MIRKO BIBIC, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 75
    Active Vale Canada Limited
    In-house Corporation: Alfredo Santana, Interim Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 74
    Active Agnico Eagle Mines Limited / Les Mines Agnico Eagle ltee
    In-house Corporation: Ammar Al-Joundi, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 64
    Active Forest Products Association of Canada / Association des produits forestiers du Canada
    In-house Organization: Derek Nighbor, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
    Monthly Communications: 58
    Active Fertilizer Canada / Fertilisants Canada
    In-house Organization: Karen Proud, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
    Monthly Communications: 46
    Active Canadian Association of Broadcasters / Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs
    In-house Organization: Kevin Desjardins, President
    Monthly Communications: 46
    Active Energir, L.P. / Énergir, s.e.c.
    In-house Corporation: Eric Lachance, Présidente et chef de la direction
    Monthly Communications: 32
    Active La Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA)
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Liane Roy
    Monthly Communications: 26
    Active Canpotex Limited
    In-house Corporation: J. Gordon McKenzie, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 24
    Active Wyloo Ring of Fire Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Kristan Straub, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 23
    Active PearTree Financial Services Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Ron Bernbaum, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 23
    Active Syngenta Canada Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Trevor Heck, Head, Canada
    Monthly Communications: 21
    Active Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC)
    In-house Organization: Martin Normand, Président-directeur général par intérim
    Monthly Communications: 17
    Active B2Gold Corp.
    In-house Corporation: Clive Johnson, President / Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 17
    Active Newmont Goldcorp North America
    Consultant: Stephen Yardy, PAA Advisory | Conseils
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Canadian Federation of Forest Owners / Federation Canadienne de Propietaires Forestiers
    Consultant: Andrew de Vries, 1441540 B.C. Ltd. dba de Vries Sustainability
    Monthly Communications: 16
    Active Champion Iron Limited
    In-house Corporation: David Cataford, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 15
    Active Mosaic Forest Management Corp.
    In-house Corporation: Duncan Davies, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO)
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Fabien Hébert
    Monthly Communications: 10
    Consultant: BRUCE HARTLEY, Prospectus Associates in Corporate Development
    Monthly Communications: 9
    Active PRT Growing Services Ltd.
    Consultant: Stuart Barnable, H+K Strategies
    Monthly Communications: 8
    Active Newmont
    In-house Corporation: Bernard Wessels, Managing Director North America
    Monthly Communications: 8
    Active Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario
    In-house Organization: Peter Hominuk, Directeur général
    Monthly Communications: 7
    Active Tech-Access Canada / Tech-Accès Canada
    In-house Organization: Ken Doyle, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 7
    Active PearTree Financial Services Ltd.
    Consultant: Stephen Yardy, PAA Advisory | Conseils
    Monthly Communications: 6
    Active GreenFirst Forest Products
    Consultant: Jeff Bangs, Pathway Group
    Monthly Communications: 4
    Active Commerce Resources Corporation
    Consultant: Marc Desmarais, NATIONAL Public Relations
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Air Line Pilots Association, International (Canada) / Association des Pilotes de Ligne, Internationale (Canada)
    Consultant: Don Boudria, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Active Champion Iron Limited
    Consultant: Louis-Alexandre Lanthier, PAA Advisory | Conseils
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Active GreenFirst Forest Products
    Consultant: Jerry Khouri, Pathway Group
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Active L'Arche Sudbury Inc.
    Consultant: Gordon Quaiattini, Maple Leaf Strategies
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Inactive Canadian Federation of Forest Owners / Federation Canadienne de Propriétaires Forestiers
    Consultant: Jean-Pierre Martel
    Monthly Communications: 15

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